‘The King builds the Temple’ (1 Kings 6:1-13)

There’s no doubt that the Temple built by King Solomon stands as one of the most important buildings ever constructed. The Temple would stand for all to see that the God of Israel was glorious, and that He lived among His people. In the text of 1 Kings 6:1-13, we are introduced to the size and the layout of the Temple under God’s instructions. But God wasn’t interested in the mere ‘shell’ of the building alone. This text also tells of the heart matters that Solomon needed to get right so he could walk before the Lord.



• The Temple of Solomon!
• So much detail
Psalm 127: 1 ‘Unless the Lord builds the house…’
• Note from the text the…

  1. Promises that were fulfilled (v.1)
  2. Details that were recorded (v.2-10)
  3. Responsibilities that were encouraged (v.11-13)

And what are you building?
Where Solomon failed….!

‘The King’s plans for the Temple’ (1 Kings 5:1-18)

One of the most important aspects of Solomon’s reign as King was the construction of the Temple of the Lord. This great and significant work was something that God had forbidden King David from doing, but had made clear that David’s son would complete the task. And what a task it was! With the help of King Hiram of Tyre, the gathering of the raw materials was a project of note in itself. As Solomon poits us to Jesus, we are reminded that Jesus gathers His people in to be His new Temple. People of raw material – being transformed into ‘living stones’ that make up His glorious body – the church.



• The most notable building ever built?
• Modern day? Taj Mahal? Sydney Opera house?
• Moving on to Solomon and the Temple of the Lord
• Note from the text…

  1. The conversations that led to cooperation (v.1-9)
  2. The cooperation that led to contracts (v.10-18)
  3. The contracts that led to construction (v.13-18)

The Church – the new Temple
Being ‘living stones’ for the glory of the builder!

‘The working out of the King’s wise rule’ (1 Kings 4:1-34)

With his throne and kingdom now well established, the text of 1 Kings 4:1-34, explains for readers the way in which Solomon’s kingdom was organized and structured. This was most necessary because of the size of the projects being overseen and the vast wealth that the King had amassed. The text also informs us that Solomon’s wisdom just kept of growing and was soon to be known throughout the world. All this blessing and prosperity reminds us of the greatness of the Kingdom that Jesus will bring in – that He will share with His people, blessings not created by taxes and forced labour but by and because of His great grace.



• That conflict between leaders and voters..
• The kingdom under Saul, David and now Solomon
• Further details about the king’s wisdom
• Note from the text…
1.The people of the King’s portfolios (v.1-19)

2. The vastness of the King’s wealth (v.20-28)

3. The extent of the King’s wisdom (v.29-34)

God’s promises to Abraham being fulfilled
God’s better promises to us in Christ still to come!

‘The King, the baby and the sword’ (1 Kings 3:16-28)

With the previous part of the chapter telling us how God blessed Solomon with wisdom, the text of 1 Kings 3:16-28 gives us some information as to how that wisdom was expressed in Solomon’s life as king. Called upon to give a ruling in a case where it was ‘she said’ versus ‘she said’, the King quickly saw through the confusion to see a way of making the facts plain. The story reminds us that one day we will all need to appear before the throne of Christ to be judged by Him. There is only one safe place to be – on His side already!



• Like the challenge of a good riddle?
• A real life circumstance!
• Solomon’s wisdom is from the Lord
• Note from the text…
1.The evidence of the case presented to the King (v.16-21)

  1. The judgment of the case as determined by the King (v.22-27)
  2. The fame of this case that glorified the King (v.28)

How not to apply this story
Only one safe place to stand before the Judge!

‘The King’s mixture of good and bad’ (1 Kings 3:1-15)

There is often something contradictory in all of us – and this certainly was the case with King Solomon. The text of 1 Kings 3:1-15 records both good and bad aspects of Solomon in his early days as king. The bad was seen in the seeds that he sowed that would later produce some ungodly fruit. The good was seen in that ‘he loved the Lord’ and that God bestowed upon him super-abundant grace, even an open cheque to ‘ask for whatever he wanted’. It’s good to remember that Jesus also had the ear of His Father. He could have asked to be rescued from the hands of evil men. But He chose to stay the course. There was no mixture of good and bad in Him.



00:00 Welcome
Song: O for a Thousand Tongues
00:19 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
Song: Jesus Paid It All
06:53 Bible reading: 1 Kings 3:1-15
Song: Behold our God
09:46 Bible reading: Matthew 5:17-30
Song: Meekness and Majesty
Sermon: 1 Kings 3:1-15
Song: May the Mind
12:08 Closing


• The contradictory person of Solomon
• Encouraging for us!
• Seeds have a habit of growing…
• Note from the text…
1.Bad seeds that grew into bad fruit (v.1-3)

  1. Good seeds that grew into good fruit (v.4-15)

The church – a ‘mixed bag’
That question – put to Jesus!

‘The King and your choices’ (1 Kings 2:12-46)

Choices, choices, life has so many choices and decisions! We all have to make them and we all have to suffer (or be blessed by) the consequences of our decisions. As Solomon’s reign as King began to be established in 1 Kings 2:12-46, Solomon had to deal with men who had made choices about the way they would respond to him as King, and these men all had to face the consequences of their decisions. In many ways, the same applies to Jesus. When His Kingdom comes, all our choices (good or bad) will surely come into light.



00:00 Welcome
Song: Jesus Shall Reign
00:19 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
Song: It Is Well With My Soul
03:46 Bible reading: 1 Kings 2:12-46
Song: Grace Unmeasured
10:39 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12-28
Song: All My Days
Sermon: 1 Kings 2:12-46
Song: At the Name of Jesus
12:56 Closing


• Is your brain tired?
• Decisions, decisions!
• Decisions are followed by consequences…
• Note from the text…

  1. Adonijah’s choices and consequences (v.13-19)
  2. Joab’s choices and consequences (v.20-35)
  3. Shimei’s choices and consequences (v.36-46)

Beware of idols
The true King who puts all his enemies under His feet!

‘The King is dead; Long live the King!’ (1 Kings 2:1-11)

The text of 1 Kings 2:1-11 is significant for so many reasons – especially because it recounts for us the death of King David. While David had been such an important figure in the life of God’s people, his death does not receive much attention, except his final words to his son and incoming King, Solomon. And then, he dies… but what of the legacy David left? Isn’t it Jesus Himself? The One who was greater than David? Truly David was great, but Jesus far greater!



00:00 Welcome
Song: When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
00:19 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
Song: Beneath the Cross
04:38 Bible reading: 1 Kings 2:1-11
Song: Worthy of All Praise
06:33 Bible reading: Matthew 25:45-54
Song: Jesus Thank You
Sermon: 1 Kings 2:1-11
Song: I Will Sing of My Redeemer
07:55 Closing


• The last words of the dying…
• What we’ve covered so far
• David’s last words!
• Note from the text…

  1. From father to son (v.1-4)
  2. From the outgoing King to the incoming King (v.5-9)
  3. From the throne to the grave (v.10-11)

David’s place in God’s plan
David’s greatest legacy – Jesus!

‘The King that the Lord chose’ (1 Kings 1:11-53)

The text of 1 Kings 1:11-53 tells us of the outcome of Adonjah’s bold and pride-filled push for the throne. When Nathan the prophet and Bathsheba broke the news to the dying old, King David, he acted swiftly, authorising the coronation of the rightful King, Solomon. There will always be those who push forward counterfeit kings and saviours. It has been the devil’s plan from the very beginning to do this, but there is only one true King that God wants us to serve as He says in Psalm 2:6 … and that King is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Standing on the Promises
00:20 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
Song: Search Me O God
05:14 Bible reading: 1 Kings 1:11-53
Song: Jerusalem
13:33 Bible reading: Luke 19:28-40
Song: Yet Not I
Sermon: 1 Kings 1:11-53
Song: My Hope Is Built
15:56 Closing


• Catching up with the news on the royal family…
• Where we left David
• Where we left Adonijah
• Note from the text…

  1. Some royal cooperation (v.11-26)
  2. A royal coronation (v.27-40)
  3. Two royal responses (v.41-53)

Satan’s plan to provide counterfeit kings
God’s King will rule…!

‘Who will be King?’ (1 Kings 1:1-10)

The book of 1 Kings opens with the final days of King David and tracks the succession of Solomon to the throne. According to 1 Kings 1:1-10, not everything went smoothly – especially when Solomon’s brother, Adonijah, took it upon himself to take hold of the throne. We don’t need a king like Adonijah – one who acts out of pride and self-interest! We need a King who will put His people before Himself! But where would we find a King who would do that? Oh wait … according to Philippians 2:1-11, Jesus did just that didn’t He? What a King!


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: I Heard the Voice
00:19 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
Song: What a Friend We Have In Jesus
05:23 Bible reading: 1 Kings 1:1-10
Song: Be Unto Your Name
07:23 Bible reading: Luke 14:1-11
Song: How Deep the Father’s Love
Sermon: 1 Kings 1:1-10
Song: And Can It Be
08:50 Closing


• Picking up from the life of David
• This book of 1 Kings… dusty, boring history?
• Will the promised King ever come? Solomon?
• Note from the text…

  1. The outgoing King’s decline (v.1-5)
  2. The incoming King’s aspirations (v.6-10)

Adonijah and the prodigal son!
Adonijah and the King we need…

‘Understanding Elisha’s call to serve the Lord’ (1 Kings 19:19-21)

It’s hard to say what the prophet Elijah thought when God told him to anoint Elisha as his successor. It’s not an easy thing to find out that your work is done. But in 1 Kings 19:19-21, we have the record of the day when Elijah laid his cloak upon Elisha and called him into service of the Lord. Not all of us will have an experience like Elisha in this respect, but all of God’s people are called into the Lord’s service … the challenge before us all the time is to prove faithful to our high calling…

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: O Christ In Thee
00:15 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
05:35 Bible reading: 1 Kings 19:1-21
Song: My Heart Is Filled
09:38 Mission Spot: Persecuted Church
Song: My Worth Is Not In What I Own
13:14 Bible reading: Luke 9:46-62
Song: O Great God
15:19 Sermon: 1 Kings 19:19-21
Song: O Jesus I Have Promised
38:22 Closing