Piano for FREE

Yes, we have a piano to give away (see below).

It’s not new by any means and it cannot be tuned to concert pitch, but it can be tuned and would suit a learner or the ‘at home’ pianist. The only catch is that you will need to arrange pick up!  Contact us if interested.



A Celebration of Bible Translation

Join us in Bendigo for a celebration of the progress of Bible translation around the world. There are still over 1.5 billion people in the world, speaking 6658 languages, who do not have a full Bible in the language they know best. The focus of this evening will be on the progress in recent years in the training and equipping of local translators and consultants.

Regular activities resume!

Easter has come and gone. So have the school holidays sandwiched between term 1 and term 2. As of this week, almost all of our regular activities are resuming (except for Friday Playgroup which resumes on April 26th). So, we’re up and running!

Race starting line Stock Photos - Page 1 : Masterfile

Life’s biggest gamble (an Easter reflection)

It is said that a man once asked people on the street if they would play ‘Russian roulette’ with a loaded gun for 10 million dollars. Most quickly said ‘yes’, but when offered the gun, all of them declined to participate! The results of this exercise are strange considering that many take huge risks with their lives day after day in so many ways.

But there is another gamble that’s even bigger. It happens whenever people live like God does not exist, or if He does exist, that He doesn’t see or care. This is nothing new of course. About 4,000 years ago, King David wrote, ‘The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God’’. (Psalm 14:1) This approach to life has many risks. What if there is a God? What if the Bible really is true? What if there really is only one way of salvation through God’s Son Jesus? (John 14:6) What if Jesus really did rise from the dead? (The Bible says He did!) And what if all our eternal destiny hangs upon our response to God’s free offer of salvation through faith in Jesus? (John 3:16).

If these things are true, then life’s biggest gamble is to pay no attention to what God has said! And if at Easter, God has made the biggest statement He could ever make by raising Jesus from the dead, then the stakes are even higher. Are you paying attention? This Easter, there is no risk in finding out the truth about Him. Seek Him. You won’t regret it if you do.

It’s still January… but February is coming!

Yes, not long to go now before the first month of the year gives way to the second month… and with that, the resumption of our weekly activities and ministries. Like to find out more about something that you note from the pic below? Check out what you can on this website, or, contact us, and we’ll do our best to answer your questions!

‘The (very) silly season’

Christmas 2023 has come around again with its usual rush of shopping, end of year functions, school speech nights and break ups. Every year Christmas seems to come and go so quickly that many could easily question whether or not the time spent is worth it? Surely there must be some who are thinking that this year they’ll just ‘give it a miss’? I wouldn’t blame them.

Some already know a sense of emptiness when it comes to observing Christmas, which a sad reality of the world we live in. The Bible even asks us this question, ‘Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labour on what does not satisfy?’ (Isaiah 55:2) Why indeed? If all that spending and shopping and scurrying just leaves an empty feeling, then why bother?

Perhaps the cause of the confusion is simply this – in our rush and hurry to observe Christmas, we miss the whole point of it! The ‘reason for the season’ is ‘Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners’ (1Timothy 1:15). Like it or not, Jesus is one huge question we must all answer. No longer a little baby in the manger, he is a returning King to whom we must all give account. He won’t ask how we spent Christmas, but what He will ask what we did with Him as the gift God sent for our salvation (see John 3:16-17).