
As one of the many churches in Bendigo, we are a community of Christians of all ages, reformed and evangelical in our theology and practise.

We meet at 10:30am every Sunday  (9:30am on Good Friday and Christmas Day) on the corner of Forest and MacKenzie Streets, Bendigo.

You can also catch us on 105.1 Life FM, each Sunday at 9am.

We confess faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and rejoice in the salvation He freely gives His people by His grace. In response to God’s goodness in this way, we seek to love God in return and seek to share what we have come to know with the people of Bendigo and surrounds.

Are you searching for more about this salvation, what it means to be a Christian or what is so good about the good news of the gospel of the Lord Jesus? We’d love to meet you and answer any questions you have. Or maybe you have something you’d like us to pray about? Why not contact us and let us know?

Together with Eaglehawk PC and Reforming, Bendigo East PC, we form the three Presbyterian ‘sister’ churches in Bendigo.

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Latest Sermon

‘Timothy, be encouraged by these great truths’ (2 Timothy 3:10-17)

Sometimes last words carry more ‘weight’ than others. As we draw closer to the end of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, his words in 2 Tmothy 3:10-17 stand out among his last instructions to the young pastor. In the context of dealing with false teachers and the prevalence of fale teaching in the last days, Timothy needed much encouragement to stick with the Scriptures. They were enough to bring him to salvation, and they would surely be enough for this next generation that Timothy was teaching. And what effect did they have on Timothy? He was faithful unto death.



• The ninth in this series
• A rough ride ahead…
• Last letter, last words
• See the encouragements given based on….

  1. Paul’s own example (v.10-13)
  2. Timothy’s own conversion (v.14-15)
  3. God’s own Word (v.16-17)

What effect did this have on Timothy?
Faithful to the end….