‘Promised gifts’ (John 14:1-31)

In this message preached by Steve Blyth in September 2013, Steve spoke from John 14 about Jesus’ love of others – even hours before his own death. With the crucifixion in view, Jesus promised to send his Spirit to prepare them to live well in the world. A selfless bucket-list, but if he could give them anything, why not world peace or an end to poverty? All these things require a change of heart that only the Spirit of truth can bring. As we receive the truth, it brings assurance of peace, a joy in all circumstances and faith in a God who is in control.


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Holy Holy Holy
00:20 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
Song: My Worth Is Not in What I Own
05:04 Bible reading: John 14:1-14
Song: Amazing Grace
07:04 Bible reading: John 14:15-31
Song: My Heart Is Filled
Sermon: John 14:1-31
Song: May the Mind
09:32 Closing

‘Uncover Jesus’ (Revelation 1:1-20)

There are some things that are just easy to do, and being confused about Jesus is one of them! In this message from April 2018, Steve Blyth takes us through some of the imagery found in Revelation 1:1-20 and points us to who Jesus is according to the Scriptures.


Radio Service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Praise to the Lord
00:20 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
Song: O Great God
05:01 Bible reading: Daniel 7:9-14
Song: Tell Me the Old Old Story
06:22 Bible reading: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
Sermon: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: All Hail the Power
09:54 Closing


Confused about Jesus?
Intro to Revelation (1-3)

Picture 1 – The Personal Loving Jesus (4-8)

  • Faithful Witness
  • First born from the dead
  • Loves us and freed us
  • Coming back again

Picture 2 – The Powerful Reigning Jesus (12-16)

  • Seven Lampstands
  • Son of Man
  • Royal Robe
  • Fiery Eyes
  • Powerful Voice

Putting the pictures together (17-18)

Confidence in Jesus
The one who loves you personally and rules all things powerfully

‘Great introductions’ (Matthew 11:1-15)

As part of Christian Union Sunday in April 2017, Steve Blyth from CU preached from Matthew 11:1-15. In this passage, John the Baptist introduces Jesus to the world but is a confused messenger. He asks to check if Jesus is the one we’ve been waiting for and what he has come to do. Jesus reassures him from the Old Testament prophecies concerning himself and commends John’s message as he prepared the way. Yet we now have a greater perspective than even John as we live on the other side of the cross and Jesus’ resurrection. We have the privilege of introducing Jesus to others as we share the hope that we have in him.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Praise to the Lord
00:19 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
03:33 Bible reading: Matthew 3:1-17
Song: Grace Unmeasured
06:16 Shorter Catechism Introduction
07:44 Catechism Questions 53-57
10:38 Bible reading: Matthew 11:1-15
Song: Never Alone
Sermon: Matthew 11:1-15
Song: Tell Me the Old, Old Story
12:36 Closing


A Confused Messenger (1-6)

  • Are you the one?
  • John had different expectations
  • The great danger of confusion

A Commended Message (7-11)

  • None greater than John
  • John introduced Jesus to the world
  • We are greater than John!

A Clarified Mission (11-12)

  • The great privilege of evangelism
  • Expect great progress and great hostility
  • Please pray…

‘Need something else to be a real Christian?’ (Colossians 2:6-23)

Have you ever had someone tell you that you’re not quite there as a Christian, that you need to do something else, fulfil some extra requirement, maybe have some sort of extra experience? if you do that then you’ll be a real Christian! In preaching on Colossians 2:6-23 back in September 2014, Steve Blyth points out how the Apostle Paul says very clearly that authentic Christianity is all about Jesus. If you have Him – you have everything you need. It’s through keeping Jesus at the very centre of our focus that we grow in the way God wants us to and become the type of people He’s created us to be. Beware of people who tell you otherwise.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Oh Christ in Thee
00:17 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
05:04 Bible reading: Isaiah 42:1-17
Song: Jesus Paid It All
08:06 Shorter Catechism Introduction
09:34 Catechism Questions 43-47
12:06 Bible reading: Colossians 2:6-23
Song: Jesus Thank You
Sermon: Colossians 2:6-23
Song: In Christ Alone
14:49 Closing


The Christian Life (6-7)

  • Life in Jesus
  • Growing in Jesus
  • Understanding Jesus

Don’t be taken captive by things not about Jesus (8)

Three truths about Jesus (9-10, 11-15)

  • In Him we have all we need (11-13)
  • God was in Him defeating our sin (14)
  • Jesus is victorious over all so remain in Him (15)

You don’t need more than Jesus (16-23)

  • Not traditions (16-17)
  • Not extra spirituality (18-19)
  • Not rules (22-23)

In Christ alone

Great Introductions (Matthew 11:1-15)

As part of Christian Union Sunday, Steve Blyth from CU preached from Matthew 11:1-15. In this passage, John the Baptist introduces Jesus to the world but is a confused messenger. He asks to check if Jesus is the one we’ve been waiting for and what he has come to do. Jesus reassures him from the Old Testament prophecies concerning himself and commends John’s message as he prepared the way. Yet we now have a greater perspective than even John as we live on the other side of the cross and Jesus’ resurrection. We have the privilege of introducing Jesus to others as we share the hope that we have in him.

‘Weighed down by suffering?’ (Luke 13:1-21)

Throughout the history of time, people have always been weighed down by some kind of suffering. In Jesus’ day this was no different. in Luke 13:1-21 we find that the sudden deaths of some people who were killed by a murderous Pontius Pilate or by a falling tower, caused some people to approach Jesus and share their concerns with Him. In response, Jesus told them that the problem of suffering is caused by sin in the world, that the solution to the problem of sin is something that only He can deal with and the great incentive that believers look forward to is found in the coming of His Kingdom.

‘Open tomb, Open scriptures, Open heaven’ (Luke 24:1-53)

Luke 24 speaks about the great news of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, has a strong theme of ‘open things’. For one thing, the tomb was open and Jesus was no longer dead inside it! This is the strong hope that believers share and sets Christianity apart from other religions. Our founder is still alive and death could not hold Him! Then it speaks of ‘open minds’ as it tells us how Jesus opened the understanding of the disciples with regard to the purpose and message of the Scriptures. Then also it speaks of an ‘open heaven’ into which Jesus returned, but before doing so, challenged his disciples to go out into the world proclaiming the wonderful message of forgiveness of sins in His name.

‘Jesus the Bread of Life’ (John 6:22-71)

After Jesus had fed 5,000 in the desert, many followed him for another free feed. To this crowd, Jesus made the claim that he was ‘the bread of life’ and that he offered food that would really satisfy. By this claim, found in John 6:22-71, Jesus offered to those who would believe in and follow him, security, an eternal destiny and a true sense of identity. When crowds starting leaving Jesus because his words were hard to take, Peter said on behalf of his disciples that Jesus alone has ‘the words of eternal life’. We would be foolish not to follow him!

‘Need something else to be a real Christian?’ (Colossians 2:6-23)

Have you ever had someone tell you that you’re not quite there as a Christian, that you need to do something else, fulfil some extra requirement, maybe have some sort of extra experience? if you do that then you’ll be a real Christian! In preaching on Colossians 2:6-23, Steve Blyth points out how the Apostle Paul says very clearly that authentic Christianity is all about Jesus. If you have Him – you have everything you need. It’s through keeping Jesus at the very centre of our focus that we grow in the way God wants us to and become the type of people He’s created us to be. Beware of people who tell you otherwise.