‘Wise men trust God’ (Matthew 2:1-15)

Borrowing from the work of John Mackay, guest preacher and theological student, Daniel Hitchcock explored some significant references in the Bible concerning stars, the magi mentioned in Matthew 2:1-15, and how these point to God as Creator and Saviour.



‘Worship your Maker’ (Genesis 1:1-5)

Guest preacher and theological student, Daniel Hitchcock, spoke from Genesis 1 about God as creator. The author of creation has authority over it. This is a unique and exclusive claim and has many implications for us as his creatures. Because he is good and loving, we can take him at his word, rely on him and honour him as our maker.



‘Remembering Him’ (Luke 22:1-23)

In Luke 22, Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper, saying, “Do this in remembrance of me”. As we gather again today to celebrate this meal in obedience to him – full of symbolism and scriptural allusions – what and who are we remembering?



  • Life forever on earth?
  • Some comments on ‘being remembered’
  • How could Jesus ever be forgotten?
  • Is there more to remembering Him than remembering?
  1. The Old Covenant – remembered in repetition
  2. The New Covenant – remembered in symbol

The object of our faith
The test of our faith
The test of our remembering

‘Joy in Relationship’ (Philippians 1:1-11)

Where do you find joy? Paul, writing in Philippians 1:1-11, finds it in people, in relationships but specifically in partnership for the gospel. Despite his imprisonment, he is thankful that God is at work in the Philippian church and prays for their growth, to the glory and praise of God. If we are partakers of his grace, God promises to work in us, that we might grow in love, with knowledge and discernment, filled with righteousness and the joy Paul describes. Because ultimately Paul finds his joy in Jesus.



Where do you find joy?
Paul is in Prison writing to the Philippians

  1. Partnership (v3-8)
  2. Prayer (v9-11)
  3. Praise (v11)

Joy in relationship with Jesus

‘The King that the Lord chose’ (1 Kings 1:11-53)

The text of 1 Kings 1:11-53 tells us of the outcome of Adonjah’s bold and pride-filled push for the throne. When Nathan the prophet and Bathsheba broke the news to the dying old, King David, he acted swiftly, authorising the coronation of the rightful King, Solomon. There will always be those who push forward counterfeit kings and saviours. It has been the devil’s plan from the very beginning to do this, but there is only one true King that God wants us to serve as He says in Psalm 2:6 … and that King is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Standing on the Promises
00:20 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
Song: Search Me O God
05:14 Bible reading: 1 Kings 1:11-53
Song: Jerusalem
13:33 Bible reading: Luke 19:28-40
Song: Yet Not I
Sermon: 1 Kings 1:11-53
Song: My Hope Is Built
15:56 Closing


• Catching up with the news on the royal family…
• Where we left David
• Where we left Adonijah
• Note from the text…

  1. Some royal cooperation (v.11-26)
  2. A royal coronation (v.27-40)
  3. Two royal responses (v.41-53)

Satan’s plan to provide counterfeit kings
God’s King will rule…!

‘Who will be King?’ (1 Kings 1:1-10)

The book of 1 Kings opens with the final days of King David and tracks the succession of Solomon to the throne. According to 1 Kings 1:1-10, not everything went smoothly – especially when Solomon’s brother, Adonijah, took it upon himself to take hold of the throne. We don’t need a king like Adonijah – one who acts out of pride and self-interest! We need a King who will put His people before Himself! But where would we find a King who would do that? Oh wait … according to Philippians 2:1-11, Jesus did just that didn’t He? What a King!


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: I Heard the Voice
00:19 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
Song: What a Friend We Have In Jesus
05:23 Bible reading: 1 Kings 1:1-10
Song: Be Unto Your Name
07:23 Bible reading: Luke 14:1-11
Song: How Deep the Father’s Love
Sermon: 1 Kings 1:1-10
Song: And Can It Be
08:50 Closing


• Picking up from the life of David
• This book of 1 Kings… dusty, boring history?
• Will the promised King ever come? Solomon?
• Note from the text…

  1. The outgoing King’s decline (v.1-5)
  2. The incoming King’s aspirations (v.6-10)

Adonijah and the prodigal son!
Adonijah and the King we need…

‘Nabal, Abigail, David and Jesus’ (Guest speaker, 1 Samuel 25:1-44)

From July 2018: When the would-be king, David, was spurned by the foolish Nabal in 1 Samuel 25:1-44, he saw red. In his anger, David made up his mind to put an end to Nabal’s life. If it wasn’t for the actions of Nabal’s wife, Abigail (who in some small way points us to Jesus), David would have fallen into serious sin. Anger does that, which is why the Bible teaches that we should ‘be angry’, but ‘do not sin’ (Ephesians 4:30).


00:00 Welcome
Song: Immortal Invisible
00:20 Introduction
00:39 Prayer
05:08 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 25:1-22
Song: We Are His People
09:00 Shorter Catechism Introduction
10:28 Catechism Questions 48-52
13:17 Bible reading: 1 Samuel 25:23-44
Song: Jesus Strong and Kind
Sermon: 1 Samuel 25
Song: May the Mind
17:44 Closing

‘A plot to bring Him down, an act to lift Him up, a deal to give Him away’ (Matthew 26:1-16)

In the chapters leading up to the events of the death and resurrection of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, Matthew 26:1-16 follows on directly after the Olivet Discourse. In these chapters, Matthew sets out clearly the events that led up to the the death of Jesus, beginning with the plot the Jewish religious leaders hatched to put Him to death and ending (in these verses) with the desire of Judas to betray Him. But in the midst of those two events is the wonderful act of love completed by Mary. While the men in this text are clearly walking in darkness, she, on the other hand, is walking in the light.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Immortal Invisible
00:18 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
03:18 Bible reading: Zechariah 11:1-13
Song: Behold the Lamb of God
05:39 Kids’ Talk
Song: Mary and Martha
09:59 Bible reading: Matthew 26:1-16
Song: Before the Throne
Sermon: Matthew 26:1-16
Song: My Hope Is Built
11:53 Closing


• A new series leading up to Easter
• Irony in the life of Jesus
• ‘Let the games begin’
• See how Matthew tells us…

  1. How the plot to kill Jesus was hatched (v.1-5)
  2. How the action to anoint Jesus was noted (v.6-13)
  3. How the decision to betray Jesus was motivated (v.14-16)

Where do you fit in this picture?
More irony… hated and rejected but the only safe place to stand!

‘Living as Heaven’s Citizens (part 2)’ (Rev Keith Bell)

Given that followers of Jesus have become citizens of heaven, Philippians 4:5 reminds the church to live God’s way. Reasonableness is so important for maintaining community and Christians should seek to what is best for everyone, especially in light of the fact that Jesus will surely return as judge.


00:00 Welcome
Song: To God Be the Glory
00:16 Introduction
00:34 Prayer
05:04 Bible reading: Psalm 145
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
07:09 Kids’ Talk – Colin Buchanan (with thanks to Compassion)
14:57 Bible reading: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Song: Consider Christ
Sermon: Philippians 4:5
Song: Take Time to Be Holy
17:02 Closing