Youth Group is on again!

It may be a little late to start advertising this… but, as they say, ‘better late than never!’

We are so pleased that our Youth Group is ‘up and running’ again.

You can see the program for term one here below…and the necessary details (where? when? who? what?) are all there for you!

Next term’s program (when available) will be found here….

‘Confessing Jesus’ (Matthew 16:13-23)

In this message, preached in July 2022, Rev R’jae Rojas explores the crucial moment in the life and ministry of Jesus, when He asked His disciples the telling question, ‘Who do you say that I am?’


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: O Worship the King
00:17 Introduction
00:38 Prayer
03:34 Bible reading: Matthew 9:1-8
Song: Behold the Lamb
05:31 Bible reading: Matthew 16:13-23
Song: Before the Throne
07:25 Bible reading: Matthew 27:62-28:15
Song: Come My Soul
Sermon: Matthew 16:13-23
Song: My Faith Looks Up
09:29 Closing



  1. Confused by Jesus (v.13-14)
  2. Confessing jesus (v.15-17)
  3. Commitment to Jesus (v.18-20)


Significant threat to Christian Schools

The Federal government will almost certainly seek to amend Anti-Discrimination Legislation so that religious schools lose current exemptions which allow them to have enrolment and employment policies that promote their mission and enable them to develop an educational community that reflects their religious convictions. In particular, the current exemptions which allow religious schools to discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or relationship status or pregnancy would be removed.

The first step toward these changes is a review by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC). The ALRC has now released a consultation paper: Review into Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws.

The ARLC is due to present a final report for the government in April which will provide a basis for drafting amendments to the legislation. It is important for the Christian and religious community to have a clear voice at each step along this process. This opening round will be crucial. The suggested changes will make it harder for religious schools to maintain their distinctive ethos.

Please pray with us that our God will protect Christian Schools in this country!

For further reading, check out the following link;

‘Promised gifts’ (John 14:1-31)

In this message preached by Steve Blyth in September 2013, Steve spoke from John 14 about Jesus’ love of others – even hours before his own death. With the crucifixion in view, Jesus promised to send his Spirit to prepare them to live well in the world. A selfless bucket-list, but if he could give them anything, why not world peace or an end to poverty? All these things require a change of heart that only the Spirit of truth can bring. As we receive the truth, it brings assurance of peace, a joy in all circumstances and faith in a God who is in control.


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Holy Holy Holy
00:20 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
Song: My Worth Is Not in What I Own
05:04 Bible reading: John 14:1-14
Song: Amazing Grace
07:04 Bible reading: John 14:15-31
Song: My Heart Is Filled
Sermon: John 14:1-31
Song: May the Mind
09:32 Closing

‘Uncover Jesus’ (Revelation 1:1-20)

There are some things that are just easy to do, and being confused about Jesus is one of them! In this message from April 2018, Steve Blyth takes us through some of the imagery found in Revelation 1:1-20 and points us to who Jesus is according to the Scriptures.


Radio Service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Praise to the Lord
00:20 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
Song: O Great God
05:01 Bible reading: Daniel 7:9-14
Song: Tell Me the Old Old Story
06:22 Bible reading: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
Sermon: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: All Hail the Power
09:54 Closing


Confused about Jesus?
Intro to Revelation (1-3)

Picture 1 – The Personal Loving Jesus (4-8)

  • Faithful Witness
  • First born from the dead
  • Loves us and freed us
  • Coming back again

Picture 2 – The Powerful Reigning Jesus (12-16)

  • Seven Lampstands
  • Son of Man
  • Royal Robe
  • Fiery Eyes
  • Powerful Voice

Putting the pictures together (17-18)

Confidence in Jesus
The one who loves you personally and rules all things powerfully

‘It’s time!’ (John 12:20-39)

In this message from September 2022, Rev Keith Bell explores the time marker in the ministry of Jesus – something found all through the gospel of John and something so prominent in John 12:20-39, explaining the purpose and the timing of His death for sinners.


Radio Service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Immortal Invisible
00:19 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
Song: See Him Coming
07:26 Bible reading: 1 Kings 10:1-7
Song: My Jesus I Love Thee
08:31 Bible reading: John 12:20-39
Song: By Faith
Sermon: John 12:20-39
Song: And Can It Be
10:42 Closing


• Passages of the Bible are …
• Consider what had been happening in the lives of Jesus and His disciples:
• Some Greeks came and they wanted to see Jesus.
• Jesus says, “It’s Time …”

  1. To Fulfil the Prophecies
    Everything is falling into place.
  2. To Persevere
    I’m here for the long haul and I will persevere to the end.
  3. To Effect My Purpose
    a. Judgment on the world
    b. Satan cast out/defeated
    c. Salvation for God’s people
  4. To Believe in Me
    “Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.”

So What?

  1. Be encouraged
  2. 2nd hand knowledge must be replaced by 1st hand encounter with Jesus
  3. A great theological mystery

The incident we have been considering is exciting and thrilling and lifts our spirits and gives us hope.

‘Tensions in the Christian life’ #4 In the world vs Of the world

In thie last of this series on ‘tensions’ in the Christian life, this message explores the tension the believer faces by simply being ‘in the world’. If this is a world that ‘God so loved’ (John 3:16), how is it that we are urged to ‘not love the world’ (1 John 2:15)? How can this tension be resolved? Perhaps by understanding 1 John 2:15-17


Radio service

00:00 Welcome
Song: O Christ in Thee
00:20 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
02:28 Bible reading: 1 John 2:7-14
Song: 10,000 Reasons
03:43 Shorter Catechism Introduction
05:11 Catechism Questions 193-196
10:35 Bible reading: 1 John 4:1-14
Song: Consider Christ
Sermon: 1 John 2:15-17
Song: When We Walk With the Lord
12:57 Closing


• This series
• Walking a fine line…
• Attitudes to this tension
• Why does John write this?

  1. Because of what the world is (v.15)
  2. Because of what the world does (v.16)
  3. Because of where the world is heading (v.17)

The boat in the water
The problem with our hearts

A prayer for our nation on Australia Day

Please continue to pray for our nation. We have much to be thankful for, but much that is far from the will of God.

But how to pray? Take a lead from Rev Dr Peter Adam, emeritus of St Jude’s Carlton, formerly principal of Ridley College Melbourne, who has shared this prayer (as a model for us to regularly pray).

“Gracious Heavenly Father,

We thank and praise you for your creation of this world, including this land of Australia. We praise you for its beauty and its bounty, for mountains, hills and plains, for rivers, creeks and seas, and wonderful variety of animals, birds, and sea-creatures.

We praise you for the peoples to whom you first entrusted this land, each one made in your image, and all loved by you. We thank you for their careful management of the land, for the strength of their communal life, and the richness of their culture.

We lament the damage done to them by the arrival of the British in 1788. For the loss of life, land, language, livelihood, culture, and the damage done to structures of their communities. We grieve the sins of coveting, theft and murder committed by the invaders, and their failure to recognise the God-given human dignity and rights of the indigenous people. We lament the damage done to this land by greed, bad management, arrogance and ignorance. We pray that indigenous people may find their rightful place as citizens, and that their voices would be heard in our society. We pray that you would help us close the gap in the provision of health, education, housing, justice, and opportunity.

We praise you for Christians who came to Australia, who continued in their faith, who prayed and read their Bibles, who lived to honour you, who loved their neighbours, who planted churches, and who worked for gospel growth in their own generation, and for generations to come.

We thank you for Christian people who tried to defend the indigenous people, who provided for them, who brought them the gospel of the Lord Jesus, who translated the Bible into their languages, and who recognised their common humanity. At the same time we grieve their mistakes, and any damage they did, while trying to do good.

We thank you that Australia has provided a new start for people from many countries in every generation. We especially praise you that many who arrived with very few resources have been able to find education, training, and employment, and have enriched our common life.

Please forgive Australia for our greed, our worship of money, possessions, comfort and happiness, and our neglect of you, your Son, and your salvation. Please reform and revive your churches, that we may be a shining light for our nation, may serve your will for this country, and may bring many to saving faith in Christ. We thank you for indigenous Christians, and pray that they would continue in faith, love and hope. Please raise up the next generation of leaders for their communities and churches, and prosper their work and ministry.

Please give us good government, wise policies, justice and equity, and the ability and wisdom to tackle the major issues long-term of our day. Please rid us of corruption, incompetence, selfishness, greed, inequalities, and self-indulgence. Help us to contribute generously to our neighbouring nations, and to our world.

Please have mercy on all Australians, and teach us to trust in your Son and our Saviour, to love you, and to love our neighbours. May your name be sanctified in Australia, your kingdom come, and your will be done.

For Christ’s sake, Amen”

‘Compassion for outsiders’ (Jonah 1:1-2)

In this message preached at St John’s in July 2022, Rev Peter Phillips explores the opening verses of the prophet Jonah, revealing God’s heart for those who are ‘beyond the walls’ and who do not belong to the covenant family of faith.


Radio Service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Rejoice the Lord Is King
00:19 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
05:54 Bible reading: Jonah 1:1-18
Song: Come Praise and Glorify
06:46 Shorter Catechism Introduction
08:13 Catechism Questions 187-192
14:37 Bible reading: Luke 4:14-30
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
Sermon: Jonah 1:1-2
Song: We’ve a Story to Tell
16:16 Closing


‘Compassion for outsiders’

1) Taking Jonah seriously

2) Taking Jonah to heart