‘The King is dead, what of the King?’ (1 Kings 11:9-43)

There’s no debating the fact that the final part of the reign of King Solomon, as recorded in 1 Kings 11:9-43, is something that he would not have been proud of. With the seeds of lust, power and greed sown deeply in his heart, there’s little surprise that these seeds bore fruit. But what is surprising is the speed with which it all ended, pretty much like a snowball rolling downhill gathering speed and momentum. And what of Solomon himself? No-one can say for sure if we’ll see him in glory, but we will see his greater Son, Jesus!



• Things going downhill…fast!
• The ‘snowball effect’
• Solomon’s sins hit the nation hard
• Note from the text how it tells us of…

  1. The just anger of God (v.9-13)
  2. The chastening hand of God (v.14-38)
  3. The amazing faithfulness of God (v.39)
  4. The final demise of the King (v.40-43)

Lessons we learn through Solomon…
Jesus the better, unfailing King!