‘The King furnishes the Temple’ (1 Kings 7:13-51)

Once the task of building the Temple was completed, King Solomon set about to furnish the Temple with the items that would have been prescribed by God to Moses in relation to the tabernacle. 1 Kings 7:13-51 records the many items, some made of bronze, and others of gold, that were soon part of the temple’s furnishings. While some of them sound strange to our ears, they were all of significance and from them we can glean something of God’s redemptive work in saving His people Israel, and also be reminded of the saving work that Jesus would complete for us.

Message (with thanks to Peter Phillips who ‘read’ Philip’s manuscript in his absence due to illness)’


‘The King furnishes the Temple’
• Moving house… rearranging furniture
• Everything where it should be
• Maybe not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’…
• Note from the text how it tells us of …

  1. The outer items of bronze (v.13-47)
  2. The inner items of gold (v.48-51)

See…the care of our Father
See…the people of His Church
See…the work of our Saviour!