‘Hardened unbelievers, failing and remorseful disciples’ (Matthew 26:57-27:10)

After Jesus allowed Himself to be arrested and separated from His disciples, the Bible tells us that they all forsook Him and fled. All but one. Peter followed, but at a distance. And through the providence of God, Peter found a way to be nearer to Jesus than the rest of the disciples were… nearer, but sadly, further away from Him. Being close up to Jesus didn’t help Peter at all. It just magnified his weakness. It showed up what he wasn’t made of. He had professed that he would die with jesus, but he couldn’t even testify that he was one of His disciples! Poor Peter… but poor us when we think and act as if we have more strength that we do!


00:00 Welcome
Song: There Is a Fountain
00:17 Introduction
00:39 Prayer
05:27 Bible reading: Isaiah 53
Song: Jesus Paid It All
07:41 Kids’ Talk
Song: Jesus Didn’t Sin
13:11 Bible reading: Matthew 26:57-27:10
Song: Jesus Thank You
Sermon: Matthew 26:57-27:10
Song: Man of Sorrows
16:50 Closing


• Where we are in Matthew 26
• A downward spiral begins
• The changing scenes before the reader
• See how Matthew tells us of…

  1. The threats of many witnesses testifying against Him (v.57-68)
  2. The tragedy of one disciple who denied Him (v.69-75)
  3. The fate of one disciple who betrayed Him (v.1-10)

See the Saviour in the midst of enemies and failures!