‘Understanding Elisha and the famine of Samaria’ (2 Kings 6:24-7:20)

There’s an awful ring to the story recorded in 2 Kings 6:24-7:20. Not only is the prophet Elisha in danger – this time from the king of Israel! – the whole nation has hot rock-bottom due to the siege laid by the surrounding armies of Syria. Inside the captial, Samaria, things are a mess. Awful. There’s famine, desperation, hopelessness and unbelief. But then God did something. Having tried His people to an extremity, He then acted to save them and drive the enemy away, leaving it very clear that none else but He was the Saviour of His people, and reminding us that the grace of God is far greater than we can imagine.


00:00 Welcome
Song: O Worship the King
00:17 Introduction
00:41 Prayer
04:45 Bible reading: 2 Kings 6:24-7:2
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
07:20 Kids’ Talk
Song: We Give Thanks (Psalm 75:1)
11:35 Bible reading: 2 Kings 7:3-20
Song: He Will Hold Me Fast
Sermon: 2 Kings 6:24-7:20
Song: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
15:38 Closing