‘The view from the back seat’ (John 3:22-36)

These verses bring the conclusion of the ministry of John the Baptist into view. John was a faithful servant of Jesus who was glad to take the ‘back seat’ and point others in the direction of the One he served. As John gracefully stepped out of the limelight in this way, he also highlighted how Jesus was far more important than he, for Jesus came from the Father and with His authority to declare the truth. Faithful servants will not allow themselves to get in the way of the One they serve.

‘The other side of the story of the extravagant love of God’ (John 3:9-21)

While these verses contain some great truths that highlight the depth and breadth of God’s love in sending Jesus in to the world to be our Saviour, they also present the other side of the coin. Salvation is not automatically given out to all people. While today is the day of salvation, clearly there are many in this world who will not and do not believe in Jesus and who remain committed to their unbelief. The text should help us think soberly about the end of life and the urgency of turning in faith to Jesus Christ.

‘Spotlight on the extravagant love of God’ (John 3:9-21)

John 3:9-21 contains the most well-known verse of the Bible, John 3:16, and so this sermon highlighted the love of God, it’s reach and depth, it’s purpose and limits. God’s love for and to the world was revealed fully in the death of Jesus. By faith in Him ‘whoever believes’ is given the free gift of eternal life. Believers know and live in the light of this love of God, which we can never fully grasp.

‘On being born (twice)’ (John 3:1-8)

To many people the phrase ‘born again’ is an old cliché, but not to Jesus. When speaking with the Pharisee Nicodemus, Jesus explained to him that while all people enjoy physical life, not all enjoy spiritual life and that the new birth is needed to enter the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus was confused by this, as many people are, but yet this is the plain teaching of the Scripture which tells us that the Holy Spirit makes people new through faith in Jesus.

‘What was it that enraged the Son of God?’ (John 2:13-25)

When Jesus came to the Temple in Jerusalem, his actions were bold and dramatic. Overturning tables and setting free the animals who occupied the Temple courts, Jesus showed a great strength of character and resolve, and yet did it all in a way that showed he was fully in control of his actions. While the Jews wanted further proof of his authority that led him to do these things, Jesus pointed them forward to his own resurrection. This would be the proof of who He was and the authority He claimed.

‘Something new out of something old’ (John 2:1-12)

When Jesus attending the wedding in Cana, he was called upon to do something about the shortage of wine for the guests. His actions formed the first of seven ‘signs’ that John recorded for his readers that show something of His glory. While Moses’ first miracle was to turn water to blood which indicated judgement, Jesus’ first miracle was to show the fullness of coming blessing for the people of God as he turned something from the old covenant arrangement into something new and better. Not all saw his miracle but his disciples did and by it their faith in Him was confirmed.

‘Being part of the ripple effect’ (John 1:35-51)

When John the Baptist announced that Jesus was the Messiah, some of his disciples turned and followed Jesus, others became convinced of Jesus’ identity by their experience and still others came to follow Jesus because of their own study of the Scripture. John’s words led to an immediate growth in the number of disciples who followed Jesus. In many ways the same happens today as believers share their personal testimony or what they have found through believing the Word of God. This ‘ripple effect’ will grow if and when today’s disciples continue to speak ‘just a word’ for Jesus.

‘Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world’ (John 1:29-34)

Rory Weightman spoke from John 1:29-34 about the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. John the Baptist gets our attention (“Behold!”) and uses the imagery of the Old Testament to tell us about Jesus. God provided a lamb to be a substitute payment for sin, to buy back an unfaithful people. Proven to be of God by the Spirit, Jesus willingly gave himself once and for all. He showed power over sin and death by rising again. As we read later in John 3:16, this promise is for whoever believes.

‘The down-to-earth-in-the-flesh God’ (John 1:14-18)

John 1:14-18 is an amazing text of John’s gospel, ‘the Word became flesh’. By these words, John tells us something of the some of the motive of love that God had in sending his Son, Jesus, something of the rescue mission he enacted for our sake, and something of God’s presence beside us in the birth of Emmanuel (God with us) – all beyond our full understanding but not our appreciation!.