‘Clear wisdom for navigating the path ahead’ (Proverbs 3:1-12)

The book of Proverbs is a wonderful part of the ‘wisdom literature’ found in the Old Testament. The text of Proverbs 3:1-12 is especially helpful when considering the uncertainty of life – especially the new year (2025) ahead of us. The text calls us to do certain things, and it helps us to see that if we do those things, then the wisdom we need for life will be ours, directing our paths into a blessed New Year.



• The first Sunday of the New Year!
• Getting the proverbs right…
• A father’s words to his son…
• See how the text calls us to always…

  1. Remember the character of the Lord (v.1-4)
  2. Rely on the wisdom of the Lord (v.5-10
  3. Submit to the discipline of the Lord (v.11-12)

A great text…a great new year…more of Him, less of me!
The gate of the year…

‘The best way to celebrate and respond?’ (Luke 2:17-20)

There’s no doubt that the shepherds feature prominently in Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus, especially so in Luke 2:8-20. The fact that the angels appeared to them and not Mary and Joseph must have had a purpose in God’s plan, and Luke likes to emphasize how utterly afraid they were because of their sudden appearance. But the shepherds soon became changed men as they realized that they had been chosen by the Lord to bear witness to the Messiah’s coming – which is just what they did.



• The third in this series!
• Some big contrasts to note…
• When and how we get Christmas so wrong
• Consider the responses to the news and see them…

  1. Proclaiming it with zeal (v.17)
  2. Receiving it with awe (v.18-19)
  3. Believing it with joy (v.20)

Luke’s special focus…
How will you respond to the news?

‘Peace on earth?’ (Luke 2:14-16)

One of the most common misconceptions about the birth of Jesus, especially the words of the angels in Luke 2:14-16, is that ‘peace on earth’ would be automatic. Just looking around at the world in any era of history will tell you that this didn’t happen and never will. What was the message of ‘peace’ that the angels declared, and how is that peace to be found?



• The second in this series!
• Major confusion on this one…
• Angels, shepherds and …. peace??
• Consider the words of the angels about peace and see…

  1. The proper giver of it (v.14)
  2. The vital conditions of it (v.14)
  3. The direct path to it (v.15-16)

War and peace…
What did the angels know? And what do we?

‘The Virgin Birth?’ (Luke 1:26-38)

There are all kinds of things to be confused about at Christmas, but we ought not be confused about is what to believe. The virgin birth of Jesus is at the heart of the Christmas message and the gospel. But how could it have happened? And of what the critics say about it? How can we understand and defend the truth of it in this modern world? Hopefully, this message will give both some assurances and answers.



• The first in this series!
• All kinds of confusion
• Lots of questions, and that one question!
• Consider the critics who question the Virgin Birth and …

  1. The reality of it (v.34)
  2. The possibility of it (v.35)
  3. The necessity of it (v.35)

The uniqueness of Jesus…
The truth of the Scriptures…

‘Timothy, it’s farewell from me’ (2 Timothy 4:9-22)

In 2 Timothy 4:9-22 we come to the final section of text in this letter. Paul’s last words. Last words take on signficance, especially when the person who gives them or says them is facing death. As Paul signs off to Timothy, his last words take on extra significance as we hear of his needs, his joys, his sorrows, his comfort, his confidence and most all, his fellow workers in the gospel. Paul was not a ‘one man band’ and his final words reflect his dependence upon the Lord’s people and the grace of God to carry him home.



• The eleventh in this series
• The context – Paul’s final words!
• The final words of others
• See how Paul spoke of ….

  1. Final requests (v.9, 11-13)
  2. Final sorrows (v.10, 14-16)
  3. Final instructions (v.17-22)

What did Paul need most?
Grace will lead you home!

‘Timothy, finish the race well – eyes on the crown’ (2 Timothy 4:1-8)

In 2 Timothy 4:1-8, we are close to the final words of Paul’s letter – although they are surely the climax of all that Paul has said. As Paul now wraps us what Timothy is expected to do, he uges him toward being diligent, fervent and constant – all in the light of the coming of Jesus, the coming of apostasy and the coming of Paul’s own death. All this so that Timothy would fix his eyes on Jesus and pursue the ‘crown of righteousness’ that will be given to all those who have ‘loved His appearing’.



• The tenth in this series
• Last chapter of his last letter…
• No change in subject
• See how Paul called Timothy to be ….

  1. Diligent: because Jesus is coming (v.1)
  2. Fervent: because apostasy is coming (v.2-5)
  3. Constant: because death is coming (v.6-8)

That all-important baton change!
What are your eyes fixed on?

‘Timothy, be encouraged by these great truths’ (2 Timothy 3:10-17)

Sometimes last words carry more ‘weight’ than others. As we draw closer to the end of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, his words in 2 Tmothy 3:10-17 stand out among his last instructions to the young pastor. In the context of dealing with false teachers and the prevalence of fale teaching in the last days, Timothy needed much encouragement to stick with the Scriptures. They were enough to bring him to salvation, and they would surely be enough for this next generation that Timothy was teaching. And what effect did they have on Timothy? He was faithful unto death.



• The ninth in this series
• A rough ride ahead…
• Last letter, last words
• See the encouragements given based on….

  1. Paul’s own example (v.10-13)
  2. Timothy’s own conversion (v.14-15)
  3. God’s own Word (v.16-17)

What effect did this have on Timothy?
Faithful to the end….

‘Timothy: the last days are here and they’re coming’ (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

When the Apostle Paul wrotes this his last letter to Timothy, he was aware that he was living in the ‘last days’ – days when human sin and rebellion will increase and become part and parcel of daily living. In fact, ever since the Lord Jesus ascended to heaven, those ‘last days’ have been here – and so in 2 Timothy 3:1-9, Paul encouraged Timothy to have a ‘mindset’ that his ministry was to be in those days, and like a paratrooper dropped behind enemy lines, be prepared for battle – not against flesh and blood, but for the truth of the gospel.



• The eighth in this series
• The church facing a crisis
• What of the future?
• See Paul’s teaching on the ‘last days’ and…

  1. The troubles in them (v.1)
  2. A preview of them (v.2-5)
  3. The causes behind them (v.6-9)

Behind enemy lines…
Preparation, perseverance, purity

‘Timothy, here’s how to be useful to your Master’ (2 Timothy 2:10-26)

Paul used numerous meteaphors in the first part of this letter and also in 2 Timothy 2:20-26, especially the diea of a ‘clean vessel’. In order that Timothy might be a ‘worker approved by God’, he would need to be like a ‘clean vessel’ and it would be this, not his wisdom or strength that would make him useful to the Master – especially as he faced the onslaught of false teachers. Even then, Timothy’s response to opposition was to be Christ-like and not one of impatience. There would be no point winning ‘the argument’ if he lost his hearers in the process.



• The seventh in this series
• Goals of faithfulness and single-mindedness
• The ‘images’ Paul has used
• See how Paul wanted Timothy to be useful by being a ….

  1. A clean vessel (v.19-23)
  2. A godly servant (v.24-26)

Who was Timothy to imitate?
The servant approved by his Master!

‘Timothy, watch both your talk and your walk’ (2 Timothy 2:14-19)

With the Apostle Paul aware that he would soon die, part of his motive in writing to Timothy the young pastor was to prepare him for the day when he would no longer be there to help him. Further to this, the church at Ephesus (like all the churches of that era) faced the challenges associated with the rise of false teachers and their associated heresies. In 2 Timothy 2:14-19, Paul wanted Timothy to watch both his talk and walk in order that false teachers might be silenced and the truth made clear.



• The sixth in this series
• The danger facing the church
• ‘Approved by God’
• See how Paul called Timothy to….

  1. Be very careful with his talk (v.14-18)
  2. Be very watchful of his walk (v.19)

A leader for a crisis moment
Our high calling & great challenge!