‘The King’s requirements for greatness’ (1) (Matthew 18:7-14)

In speaking to His disciples in the way that He did in Matthew 18:7-14, Jesus was not going on to some new topic. In fact what he taught in these verses are very closely linked to verses 1-6. He is still talking about greatness and the ‘childlike humility’ that will lead His disciples towards it. While some of what He says in verses 7-14 is a little unclear, the implications of it are not. Those who will be great in the Kingdom will need to be like the Shepherd whose care for that one lost sheep was not just a matter of words.



  • GOAT?
  • The context of this
  • Humility the path to greatness
  • See how Jesus urged his disciples to …
  1. Avoid being the source of temptation (v.7)
  2. Avoid committing sin at whatever cost (v.8-9)
  3. Avoid rejecting those whom the Father loves (v.10-14)

A reminder for believers…
An invitation to unbelievers…