‘A foretaste of heaven’ (Psalm 122:1-9)

Among the book of Psalms there are many gems. Psalm 122:1-9 is one of those. This joyous Psalm was sung by pilgrims as they wound their way up to Jerusalem, expressing something of the joy they felt at the prospects before them. While we are not attached to Jerusalem in the way God’s people of old were, the principles King David gives us in this Psalm are easily applicable to us as God’s people today on our ‘heavenly’ pilgrimage towards the fulfilment of all that God has in store for His own.



• The Psalms and our emotions…
• Pilgrims en route to Jerusalem for worship
• How David felt about worship & God’s people…
• Note his attitude…

  1. Towards worship (v.1-2)
  2. Towards each other (v.3-5)
  3. Towards prayer (v.6-9)

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