‘Jesus speaks of a hidden treasure and a priceless pearl’ (Matthew 13:44-46)

In this fourth, and one of the smallest, parables found in Matthew 13:44-46, again we find that Jesus spoke to those who were around him about everyday common items. This time, the fairly well-known practise of finding buried wealth in a plot of land (which means it was yours if you bought the land!) and the search for a priceless, most valuable pearl. In the first case, the man who found the treasure gave all he could to gain something of greater value. In the second, the one who came across the pearl also gave up everything in order that he might have it. The Kingdom of God is like that. Worth more than anything else.


Radio Service

00:00 Welcome
Song: And Can It Be
00:19 Introduction
00:34 Prayer
03:53 Bible reading: Matthew 19:16-30
Song: See Him Coming
06:05 Shorter Catechism Introduction
07:33 Catechism Questions 122-127
10:08 Bible reading: Philippians 3:1-11
Song: By Faith
Sermon: Matthew 13:44-46
Song: Glorious Things of Thee
12:00 Closing


• Daytime TV
• What is valuable?
• What’s the point of these parables?
• See in this parable.…

  1. An unforeseen discovery (v.44, 45)
  2. An unmatched desire (v.44, 46)
  3. An unconventional decision (v.45-46)

Onboard the Titanic!
No entrance fee to the Kingdom, but…
Moses’ choice… and yours!