‘Understanding Elisha and the dilemma facing the three kings’ (2 Kings 3:1-27)

After Elisha’s initial encounter with the people of Jericho and then some youths of Bethel, the scene changes somewhat in 2 Kings 3:1-27 where we meet Elisha in the company of the Kings of Israel, Judah and Edom. The situation facing these kings and their armies was nothing short of desparate. Having taking the desert route to attack the kingdom of Moab, they soon ran out of water and were facing the prospect of death. How Elisha came to be among these kings and their armies is not told to us, but he was, and when approached, the miracle he performed not only guaranteed the survival of the kings and their armies, but also the defeat of Moab and brought glory to God who can do ‘more than we ask or think’ (Ephesians 3:20).

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: And Can It Be
00:17 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
04:56 Bible reading: 2 Kings 3:1-27
Song: Only A Holy God
10:39 Kids’ Talk
Song: Blessed Be Your Name
14:06 Bible reading: Ephesians 3:7-21
Song: This Life I Live
16:07 Sermon: 1 Kings 3:1-27
Song: Teach Me Thy Way
39:46 Closing