‘Meet the apostle’s answers to the church in Corinth’ (1 Corinthians 10:14-33)

There’s no doubt that food speaks a universal language. We all love it and we all enjoy eating it together. But what happens when the food that we would like to eat has been used in a worship service for a pagan god? This was one of the questions that the believers at Corinth were asking Paul, questions that all relate back to what Paul had already begun to speak of in chapter 8. But in 1 Corinthians 10:14-31, they have this added element… the Lord God will not share His glory with another. Eating is nothing in itself, but all that we do – even our eating and drinking – must be for His glory and His alone.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: All My Days
00:16 Introduction
00:46 Prayer
06:16 Children’s talk (with thanks to Kidswise)
Song: Follow the Saviour
09:10 Ministry Update: Alan & Faye
15:18 Bible reading: Isaiah 42:1-9
Song: Only a Holy God
16:40 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 10:14-33
19:03 Sermon: 1 Corinthians 10:14-33
Song: Have Thine Own Way
44:23 Closing