‘God’s saints in tight spots’ #8: King Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20:1-30)

There are times when the need to pray becomes all the more urgent and important. The Scriptures also record for us the many examples of those who found relief by calling upon God in a moment of danger or trial. King Jehoshaphat was one of these. His prayer recorded in 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 stands out in Scripture as a prayer of great integrity and urgency, one that God, in His grace, chose to answer, encouraging us to seek after Him and so bring ‘everything to God in prayer’.

Full service

00:00 Introduction
Song: Jerusalem
00:38 Prayer
Song: You Can Tell the Lord that You Love Him Anytime
04:29 Greetings from Daniel and Courtney
Song: God’s Love Is Strong Love
07:29 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 20:1-17
Song: Amazing Grace
10:35 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 20:17-30
13:12 Sermon: 2 Chronicles 20
Song: Before the Throne
23:18 Closing