‘Meet the author and his urgent letter’ (Jude 1-4)

The New Testament letter of Jude may well be small but it packs a punch. In verses 1-4 we find that the author, one of the brothers of the Lord Jesus, intended to write this letter to his readers about ‘their common salvation’, but was compelled instead to write a letter with a far different tone – one that urged his readers to be very careful of the rise and the influence of false teaching in the church, calling his readers to do everything they can do to ‘contend for the faith’ and defend the truth of the gospel. 20 centuries later, Jude’s call is just as important. While there is a rapid growth in many religions and -isms  around the world, the truth of God’s Word must be upheld, defended and promoted. God has not changed and He calls His people to be a people who know, love and defend His truth.