Arrangements from October 31

Apart from our regular podcast at 9am on 105.1 Life FM as from Sunday October 31 there will be two regular Sunday services at 10.30am and at 4pm.  This will enable us to have the greatest number of people possible meeting together (and allow room for visitors), which will be an extra joy and blessing.

The 10:30am service will be open to people 16 years and over who have double vaccination status or those who hold a valid medical exemption and children under 16 regardless of vaccination status. This will allow us to increase our attendance cap to 60 (plus those required to run the service) according to DQ4 restrictions. Proof of vaccination status or exemption will be required to be sighted. This will apply to all – including friends, family and visitors who would like to attend the 10.30am service.  Visitors are encouraged to book ahead. The prayer meeting will be held from 10am and a cuppa with pre-packaged individual serves will follow, concluding around 12.30pm.

The 4pm service will be open to all adults and children – those of undeclared vaccination status (those who have not been vaccinated, those who have had a single vaccine and those who are double vaccinated or hold a medical exemption.) You will not be asked to disclose your vaccination status to attend this serviceThe cap at this service will be 30 (plus those required to run the service). There will be a prayer meeting from 3:30pm and a cuppa with individual pre-packaged snacks will follow.

Just some more reminders…

  • Masks (unless you have a medical exemption), QR code/record of attendance, social distancing and hand sanitising will still be required at both service
  • We would urge and encourage you all to bear with these changes with patience and with ongoing grace, love and care towards those who may not share your viewpoint about the virus or the vaccine or these restrictions or these changes. Although divided into two services, the opportunity is before us to treat each other in a way that will mean we remain united around the eternal truths of the gospel of Christ that bring us together under our Heavenly Father’s care. We still look forward to and anticipate the day when we will all be able to gather together in a larger number under the one roof at the same time. Please pray with us for that day “and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25)
  • If you are unwell or need to quarantine or isolate, please stay at home and join us via the podcast on the radio or listen via the website – and let us know so that we can be praying for you and help as needed. Thank you. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please talk to us.

‘Transformed by the Spirit into a model pastor’ (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12)

The Scriptures tell us many things about the Apostle Paul – his conversion and calling, his missionary journeys, his leadership and also his letters to the churches of the first century. In 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, it becomes apparent that when Paul writes about his example among the believers at Thessalonica, and explains tsome details about his example, he is not boasting about himself. Nor is he boasting when he invites his readers to follow his example, for he himself was seeking to imitate and become like Jesus. The challenge remains for all God’s people to imitate Paul regardless of whether we are in full-time (paid) gospel ministry.


00:00 Welcome
Song: At the Name of Jesus
00:17 Introduction
00:42 Prayer
05:18 Bible reading: Isaiah 49:7-15
Song: We Are His People
07:34 Kids’ Talk
Song: More Like Jesus
11:41 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Song: Jesus Strong and Kind
Sermon: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Song: May the Mind of Christ
13:31 Closing


  • Models and models
  • The example set before the believers…
  • The idea of a ‘holy’ man
  • See how Paul lived out the gospel as …
  1. A faithful steward (v.1-6)
  2. A caring mother (v.7-8)
  3. A concerned father (v.9-12)

Just about ministers? No! About all!
Becoming like Paul… to become like Jesus!

‘Transformed by the gospel into a model Church’ (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)

In 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, we read the first chapter of the first letter of the Apostle Paul to the church at Thessalonica. The church there began through the preaching of Paul, but according to Acts 17:1-9, the Apostle couldn’t stick around too long to make sure that all went well with the believers there. Perecution from the emeies of the gospel drove him away. After some time, Paul sent Timothy to see how the church at Thessalonica was fairing and this resulted in his first letter to the church there, a letter which reveals the depth of the transforming work that the gospel had caused in the lives of these believers – turning them away from worshipping idols to worship and to wait for God’s one and only Son and Saviour, Jesus.


00:00 Welcome
Song: And Can It Be
00:18 Introduction
00:42 Prayer
06:10 Bible reading: Acts 17:1-15
Song: Be Unto Your Name
08:25 Kids’ Talk
Song: I Can’t Save Myself
12:39 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Song: How Deep the Father’s Love
Sermon: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Song: O Jesus I Have Promised
14:27 Closing


  • The church at Thessalonica – planted by Paul and the circumstances behind this letter.
  • ‘Growing pains’ & the type parents suffer from
  • The Thessalonians were a ‘model’ church.
  • Why was Paul so proud of them? Their lives showed…
  1. Genuine faith in Christ (v.1-5)
  2. Strong commitment to Christ (v.6-8)
  3. Living hope in Christ (v.9-10)

‘It’s better higher up’
The marks of a true believer

‘Understanding Elisha’s final act and his death’ (2 Kings 13:10-21)

In this final instalment on the life and ministry of the prophet Elisha from 2 Kings 13:11-21. we meet Elisha on his deathbed, but also in his grave. The images of Elisha weakened, dying and then dead are quite symbolic of the state of Israel’s spiritual life, but from his weakness came power and from his death came life. It seems that this is so much ‘like God’ to do this. In fact from his greatest show of ‘weakness’ (Christ taking our place on the cross), came both power for salvation and life for the dead! Elisha, again, points us to Jesus.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Standing on the Promises
00:17 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
06:19 Bible reading: 2 Kings 13:10-21
Song: Worthy of All Praise
08:26 Kids’ Talk
Song: Super Saviour
13:11 Bible reading: Ephesians 2:1-10
Song: Yet Not I
Sermon: 2 Kings 13:11-21
Song: Rock of Ages
14:32 Closing

‘The parable of the persistent widow’ (Luke 18:1-8)

This sermon on Luke 18:1-8 by guest preacher, Rev Peter Phillips, tackles some of the biggest questions in life. “Why is there injustice in the world? What is God doing about it? What should the response of God’s people be to injustice?” All these questions circle around us and pervade our society everyday and while it is easy to get waylaid by their pressing nature, this parable urges God’s people to prayer, patience and perseverance – all things that we need God’s help to do and do well!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Come Thou Almighty King
00:17 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
04:50 Bible reading: Psalm 10:1-18
Song: See Him Coming
07:09 Kids’ Talk
Song: Revelation 3:20
11:48 Bible reading: Luke 17:11-18:8
Song: By Faith We See the Hand of God
Sermon: Luke 18:1-8
Song: Be Still My Soul
15:56 Closing

‘Understanding Elisha’s warning to the woman of Shunem’ (2 Kings 8:1-6)

Sometimes it’s hard to see how the unfolding of our circumstances can always be as ‘good’ as God says they are. In 2 Kings 8:1-6, we have the situation where the woman from Shunem acted upon what Elisha had told her to do, only to have the whole thing unravel before her eyes. Maybe that’s also been your experience? You’ve trusted God, but it’s all gone ‘pear-shaped’? This story, though, reminds us that even ‘pear-chaped’ circumstances are no problem to the Lord. he is able to make good come from evil and able to bring the loose threads together according to His purposes and plans. We ought always trust Him to do that.


00:00 Welcome
Song: All Creatures of Our God and King
00:17 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
04:25 Bible reading: 2 Kings 8:1-6
Song: Behold the Lamb of God
06:10 Kids’ Talk
Song: Remember the Lord
10:25 Bible reading: Romans 8:18-30
Song: Before the Throne of God Above
Sermon: 2 Kings 8:1-6
Song: It Is Well With My Soul
13:18 Closing

We are open each Sunday, but…(read on!)

Restrictions have lifted enough in regional Victoria to allow us to have 20 at our morning worship each Sunday at 10:30am until further notice. But to attend, you’ll need to reserve a place by contacting us. There will be other opportunties during the afternoon to ‘catch up’ with one another in the hall for fellowship, prayer and devotions, but again you’ll need to reserve a place to attend one of these.

With these small steps in place, we are looking forward to the day that we can all get back together in the one place, if not here, then one day in the full presence and glory of our Saviour!

‘Open’ on Sunday September 12 with limited numbers…

Restrictions have lifted enough in regional Victoria to allow us to have 20 at our morning worship on Sunday September 12. To attend, you’ll need to reserve a place by contacting us. There will be other opportunties during the afternoon to ‘catch up’ with one another in the hall for fellowship, prayer and devotions. Again, you’ll need to reserve a place to attend one of these.

With these small steps in place, we are looking forward to other restrictions lifting so that we can all get back together in the one place, if not here, then one day in the full presence and glory of our Saviour!

‘Understanding Elisha’s healing of the outsider, Naaman’ (2 Kings 5:1-27)

Of all the stories that the Old Testament tells us that concern the ministry of the prophet Elisha, it is perhaps this one, recorded in 2 Kings 5:1-27, the healing of Naaman, that we remember the most. The reason for that is probably the fact that Naaman was an outisder. he was a Syrian. Even a soldier. Even a commander of soldiers. And yet, for such a man of power, he was helpless to do anything about the disease with which he was afflicted. Enter Elisha into the picture and his direcive that Naaman wash himself in the Jordan River. Enter Naamn’s pride into the picture and you have the scenario where this ‘outisder’ almost remained an ‘outsider’ forever. See, pride has to go, if ever we are to receive what God wants to give us. And in this story, we see ourselves. Outsiders, but also those who are brought in throught the dor marked ‘humble yourselves before the Lord’.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Be Thou My Vision
00:21 Introduction
00:45 Prayer
04:33 Bible reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
07:22 Kids’ Talk
Song: 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (Let Him Who Boasts)
12:10 Bible reading: 2 Kings 5:15-27
Song: O Lord My Rock
15:17 Sermon: 2 Kings 5
Song: Jesus Paid It All
41:43 Closing

‘Understanding Elisha’s miracle of the poison and the provision’ (2 Kings 4:38-44)

In the text of 2 Kings 4:38-44, we find two miracles linked by the same topic – food. In the first, where the food was poisoned, Elisha’s miracle cure was found in the addition that he made to the food. In the second, where the food was insufficent, Elisha’s miracle was found in the multiplication of what was available. These two stories highlight the fact that Elisha was confirmed as the Lord’;s prophet before all Israel, but they also speak about the wayward relationship of Israel to God in 9th century BC. In chasing after idols such as Baal, the people were adding ‘death to the pot’ and coming up ‘unsatisfied’. This modern world calls us to keep on compromising the truth of God’s Word. To do so leads to danger. Not to do so will bring much blessing.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Crown Him With Many Crowns
00:19 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
05:14 Bible reading: 2 Kings 4:38-44
Song: There Is a Higher Throne
06:39 Kids’ Talk
Song: Old Black Crow
10:31 Bible reading: John 6:1-15
Song: O the Mercy of God
12:23 Sermon: 2 Kings 4:38-44
Song: O Christ in Thee
37:10 Closing