‘Timothy, be an encourager with the truth of the gospel’ (2 Timothy 1:13-18)

As Paul wrote to the younger pastor/teacher Timothy from his Roman jail cell, his time on earth was short, and Timothy’s time on earth would soon become more complicated with the rise of many false teachings and teachers. So what Paul wanted Timothy to do was be committed to the truth of the gospel – not be like others who fell away – but remain strong like Onesiphorus who not only sought out the Apostle in jail but met his needs there. We find this is 2 Timothy 1:13-18 were we read of a man who was a great encouragement to the imprisoned Apostle.



• The third in this series
• Paul’s example and what he expected of Timothy
• The passing of that baton
• See how Paul pointed Timothy toward …

  1. Committed to the truth of the gospel (v.13)
  2. Guarding well the truth of the gospel (v.14-15)
  3. Living out the truth of the gospel (v.16-18)

That ministry of encouragement
What will you do…?