‘Jacob is confronted by his uncle Laban’ (Genesis 31:22-55)

After Jacon and family left Laban secretly, it’s little wonder that Laban did his best to ctach up with his fleeing family. The text of Genesis 31:22-55 tells the story of how Laban caught up with Jacob, the difficult conversation thjat followed and the fruitless search for the household gods he valued so highly (that Rachel had hidden in the camel’s saddle.) There are lessons to learn from this. Lessons about God’s protective providence for Jacob and also about the kind of God we worship.



• The eleventh in this series
• The classic chase scene
• A quick recap of the last scenes
• See how Moses tells us of …

  1. An escaping employee being pursued (v.22-30)
  2. An angry accuser being rebuked (v.31-42)
  3. A cautious covenant being established (v.43-55)

The providence of God – again!
The person of God – Living and True!