‘Responding to the wonder of grace: living sacrifices’ (Romans 12:1)

It’s kind of unusual to start a series on the book of Romans at chapter 12, three-quarters of the way through the book! But in an attempt to cover the more ‘practical’ aspects of the Christian life, and to follow on from the series on Malachi, Romans 12 is a great place to start – especially Romans 12:1, where Paul gives some clear instructions about how to respond to the wonderful grace of God in the gospel – clear instructions but hard to do when you think about what they involve!



• The first in this series
• Chapters 1-11? …
• ‘Therefore’ – theological & practical
• See what Paul says about responding to grace…

  1. What it is we should do (v.1b)
  2. Why it is we ought to do it (v.1a)
  3. What we are doing when we do it (v.1c)

That s…. word!
One man who took this seriously…
What will you offer to the Lord?