The final words of Malachi’s book, found in Malachi 3:13-4:6 are also the final words of the Old Testament. While the Old Testament begins with God’s creative work in Genesis 1:1, it ends with God’s promise of a destructive work in Malachi 4:6. This is helpful, because it reminds us that while God’s people in the time of Malachi were unfaithful to their covenant reponsibilities, God himself was not unfaithful to His people. And, even though they spoke against Him, He did not pour out His judgement upon them, but sent them a messenger whose ministry was to restore broken relationships. In all this ‘God was reconciling the world to Himself’ and preparing the way for the One who would come to be its Saviour.
• The last in this series
• The story so far…
• ‘Whitewashed tombs’
• See how the Lord revealed that there were…
- Some who complained about Him (3:13-15, 4:1-3)
- Some who feared Him (3:16-18)
- One who would speak for Him (4:4-6)
Authentic faith…
The invitation of Jesus (who came after Malachi) …