‘The wonder of His electing love’ (Malachi 1:1-5)

The book of Malachi is the last of the books of the Old Testament, written about 450 years before the appearing of John the Baptist. In it, Lord addressed His people through the prophet Malachi, calling them to wake up to themselves. Their spiritual condition was poor. And so in Malachi 1:1-5, it’s surprising to see the note with which the book begins. The Lord’s love for His people! It’s this backdrop that makes later messages from God through Malachi shine out in importance, calling His people today to ‘put matters right’ with our God who has chosen us to be His own.



• Malachi
• 450 years before John
• The sad state of the people…’how have you loved us?’
• See how the text calls us to remember …

  1. The nature of His love for them (v.1-3)
  2. The depth of His mercy toward them (v.3-4)
  3. The greatness of His purposes for them (v.5)

The correct diagnosis
The Lord’s love for you…