‘An indictment against the people’s view of marriage’ (Malachi 2:10-16)

it has been noted that ‘the fish rots from the head down’. Given that the Lord God had already shown through the prophet Malachi that the priests (the leaders of the religious aspect of God’s people) were corrupt and spiritually poor, then it is little surprise that the people also began to disregard the word of God and its importance in their lives. And one of the ways they did this was in the area of marriage. In Malachi 2:10-16, we find that the men were marrying women who worshipped other gods and (presumably) divorcing their own wives in order to do this. Neither of these was acceptable to God, and this slack view of marriage only revealed just how low their view of God really was.



• The 4th in this series
• Familiarity breeds contempt
• A difficult text, but clear!
• See how the Lord accused the people of …

  1. Marrying outside of the covenant family (v.10-12)
  2. Treating the marriage covenant with contempt (v.14-16)

Not a time for joking!
A reflection of God’s covenant with His people…