‘Timothy, it’s farewell from me’ (2 Timothy 4:9-22)

In 2 Timothy 4:9-22 we come to the final section of text in this letter. Paul’s last words. Last words take on signficance, especially when the person who gives them or says them is facing death. As Paul signs off to Timothy, his last words take on extra significance as we hear of his needs, his joys, his sorrows, his comfort, his confidence and most all, his fellow workers in the gospel. Paul was not a ‘one man band’ and his final words reflect his dependence upon the Lord’s people and the grace of God to carry him home.



• The eleventh in this series
• The context – Paul’s final words!
• The final words of others
• See how Paul spoke of ….

  1. Final requests (v.9, 11-13)
  2. Final sorrows (v.10, 14-16)
  3. Final instructions (v.17-22)

What did Paul need most?
Grace will lead you home!