Sometimes last words carry more ‘weight’ than others. As we draw closer to the end of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, his words in 2 Tmothy 3:10-17 stand out among his last instructions to the young pastor. In the context of dealing with false teachers and the prevalence of fale teaching in the last days, Timothy needed much encouragement to stick with the Scriptures. They were enough to bring him to salvation, and they would surely be enough for this next generation that Timothy was teaching. And what effect did they have on Timothy? He was faithful unto death.
• The ninth in this series
• A rough ride ahead…
• Last letter, last words
• See the encouragements given based on….
- Paul’s own example (v.10-13)
- Timothy’s own conversion (v.14-15)
- God’s own Word (v.16-17)
What effect did this have on Timothy?
Faithful to the end….