‘Timothy, hold fast to the gospel’ (2 Timothy 1:8-12)

In 2 Timothy 1:8-12, we find that the Apostle Paul was just ‘getting warmed up’ after his initial greeting to Timothy. After establishing the reasons why he was so thankful for Timothy, Paul proceedes with some exhortations to Timothy to take responsibility for the gospel, not so much teaching it (not yet anyway), but suffering for it. Paul was in prison and facing death and he was doing all this for the sake of the gospel. Timothy was not yet in prison and not yet facing death, but he was still called to live a li9fe of faithfulness to the gospel as Paul did – regardless of the outcome.



• The second in this series
• What we learned about Paul and Timothy
• The passing of the baton
• See how Paul speaks of …

  1. The content of the gospel (v.9-10)
  2. His suffering for the gospel (v.11-12)
  3. Timothy’s responsibility with the gospel (v.8)

Five French young men
Faithful unto death…