‘Jacob’s journey to Bethel and beyond’ (Genesis 35:1-29)

The text of Genesis 35:1-29 tells us that Jacob finnaly headed from Shechem, where there had been much disgrace brought upon his family, to Bethel, where God renewed so many of His promises to Jacob’s family. With three revelations of the Lord to Jacob on the way to and while at Bethel and three deaths in Jacob’s immediate family, the chapter is full of highs and lows for Jacob. As the last in this sermon series, it’s good to see how Jacob played a special role in the coming of the One who was Jacob’s (Israel’s) greater Son, Jesus the Messiah.



• The sixteenth and last in this series
• The context of this chapter
• Jacob and Bethel
• See how Moses tells us of Jacob’s journeying…

  1. To Bethel (v.1-5)
  2. At Bethel (v.6-15)
  3. From Bethel (v.16-29)

Where his story began…
Who his story leads to…