‘Jacob prepares to meet his brother Esau’ (Genesis 32:1-23)

When Jacob finally broke ties with Laban, he had another, bigger trial with someone else ahead of him. His twin brother, Esau. Though Jacob feared His meeting with Esau, God showed his great kindness to Jacob in preparing him for what was ahead – even sending his angels to remind him of his previous encounter with the Lord at Bethel. The story is related to us in Genesis 32:1-23, where, by the end of the passage, Jacob is entirely alone (verse 24a) unaware that he had another meeting with some One else before Esau.



• The twelfth in this series
• A quick recap of the story
• Jacob is heading straight for Esau
• See how Moses tells us that …

  1. Angels met him (v.1-2)
  2. Messengers met him (v.3-8)
  3. He met with God (v.9-12)

Jacob is all alone!
The only way for wrath to be turned away!