‘Jacob meets with the angel of the Lord’ (Genesis 32:24-32)

When Jacob was left alone at the river Jabbok, with all his family and goods sent on ahead of him to placate Esau, he could never have known that this was the moment when his life would be changed forever. After meeting with angels earlier in chapter 32, then his own messengers returning from Esau, then God met him. And he did it in such a way that Jacob would always remember. The text of Genesis 32:24-32 is vital in understanding God’s plans and purposes for Jacob and also, for you and me.



• The thirteenth in this series
• Jacob’s limp…
• Jacob is being taught to trust God
• See how Moses tells us that …

  1. Jacob’s walk was changed (v.22-25)
  2. Jacob’s desire was changed (v.26)
  3. Jacob’s name was changed (v.27-32)

Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity!
The choice before you…