‘Jacob, his defiled daughter and his wayward sons’ (Genesis 34:1-31)

There’s no way of looking at Genesis 34:1-31 without saying that the story is not a pretty picture. In fact, the actions of jacob’s sons were deplorable, as we the actions of the young man who raped Jacob’s daughter Dinah. Moses, who recorded the story for us, certainly doesn’t hold back – even Jacob himself comes across as all too passive when dealing with the sins of his sons. But in all of this, God is at work, even rescuing us from afar bigger mess that we created because of our own sin.



• The fifteenth in this series
• An uncomfortable text!
• Some of the bad fruits from Jacob’s failure to obey
• See how Moses tells us of …

  1. The defilement of a daughter (v.1-5)
  2. The mismatch of a marriage (v.6-19)
  3. The sinfulness of the sons (v.20-31)

The abuse of the holy…
When God’s people are a stench…