‘Jacob follows the clear leading of the Lord’ (Genesis 31:1-21)

There are many times when decision making is hard. Guidance doesn’t always come easy. But in the case of Jacob in Genesis 31:1-21, the Lord made the decision for Jacob to leave Laban a relatively easy one. He told him to go. Circumstances around Jacob were also pointing in that same direction. And even when he talked this over with Rachel and Leah, they too were of the same opinion. And so, he upped and left – with his family – all without telling Laban. Not that he was running away looking for ease. Rather, he had an appointment to keep with his brother, Esau.



• The tenth in this series
• Where we are in the story
• A gradual change in Jacob
• See how Moses tells us of…

  1. How the plan was prompted (v.1-3)
  2. How the decision was confirmed (v.4-16)
  3. How the departure was enacted (v.17-21)

Clarity in a crisis moment
Three ‘green lights’ – time to follow the Lord’s directions!