‘Jacob dreams at Bethel’ (Genesis 28:10-22)

The next event in Jacob’s life as recorded in Genesis 28:10-22 is highly significant. Jacob was now an exile from home, and so it was while he was on his journey to his uncle’s that the Lord God appeared to him and gave him many assurances. The result was not only that Jacob had hist first encounter with God, but also called the Lord ‘my God’, proceeding from Bethel with the promise of blessing and protection by God – all undeserved and all of grace.



• The fifth in this series
• Where we are in the story
• Jacob setting out on that journey!
• See how Moses tells us of …

  1. His temporary respite (v.10-12)
  2. His terrifying revelation (v.13-16)
  3. His grateful response (v.17-22)

What Jesus said about this event…
The promises of God – for you!