‘The King’s response to two men who wanted to be first’ (Matthew 20:17-28)

When James and John (through their Mum) approached Jesus in Matthew 20:17-28, they were clearly men who wanted to put themselves first. The did this even though Jesus had been speaking quite a lot about the inverse principle of His Kingdom, that the ‘first will be last and the last first’. Their request, which made the other disciples angry, was one that Jesus could not grant, but what he did do was point them to his own plans. He was going up to Jerusalem to die and give his life ‘as a ransom for many’.



• Where we are in the text
• That ‘inverse order’ principle…last & first!
• Three sets of eyes fixed on different things…
• See how Matthew tells us of …

  1. Servant eyes fixed on giving Himself (v.17-19, 28)
  2. Proud eyes fixed on gaining glory (v.21-23)
  3. Angry eyes fixed on getting even (v.24-28)

Disciples who weren’t ‘on the same page’ as Jesus…
The next men in the story
He served you! Who will you serve?