The Olivet Discourse (part 7) ‘The parable of the talents’ (Matthew 25:14-30)

When Jesus told the ‘parable of the talents’ in Matthew 25:14-30, He did so in the context of urging His disciples to be ready for His return, and not to be found unprepared, like the five bridesmaids in the previous parable. So, in this ‘parable of the talents’, Jesus took this one whole step further by not only encouraging preparedness for His return but also fruitfulness in His absence. The themes of reward for fruitfulness and judgement for unfruifulness are evident in the story. All of us have been given something by the Lord Jesus. What He expects to find when He comes again and what we will bring to Him need to match up!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Rejoice the Lord Is King
00:19 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
03:43 Bible reading: Matthew 25:14-30
Song: O Great God
06:17 Kids’ Talk
Song: Let Your Light Shine
10:34 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 3:5-17
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
Sermon: Matthew 25:14-30
Song: Take My Life
12:18 Closing


  • Where we are in Matthew 25
  • Last week’s parable
  • The need to ‘be ready’ underlined again… but also to ‘be busy’
  • See how Jesus calls us to.…
  1. Remember the riches of gospel privilege (v.14-15)
  2. Embrace the promise of generous reward (v.16-23)
  3. Avoid the certainty of coming judgement (v.24-30)

Not saved by good works but called to them…
Taking small steps to be busy with the gospel…