‘The vision of Jesus: What John heard’ (Revelation 1:1-20 pt 2)

When John turned to see the voice that was speaking to him in Revelation 1:1-20, he saw the Lord Jesus Christ in all His glory and fell at His feet as ‘though dead’. While the vision John had was of significance, of even more signficiance was what he heard Jesus say. In this second message on Revelation 1:1-20, we find out what Jesus thinks of His church and why he wrote the seven letters that appear in Revelation 2-3.


00:00 Welcome
Song: O Worship the King
00:17 Introduction
00:41 Prayer
05:03 Bible reading: Psalm 29
Song: Come Praise and Glorify
06:19 Shorter Catechism Introduction
07:47 Catechism Questions 6-11
Song: The Bible Is the Answer
09:50 Bible reading: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
Sermon: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
13:22 Closing


• This new series…!
• Where we are in Revelation 1
• What did John hear, and what does the Lord think of His church?
• See how these verses tell us…

  1. That Jesus had something to say to His church (v.1)
  2. What Jesus had to say to His church (v.17, Ch 2-3)

What does Jesus want to see when he looks at us?

‘The vision of Jesus: What John saw’ (Revelation 1:1-20 pt 1)

The book of Revelation is probably the most misunderstood book in the Bible. Admittedly, there are a few good reasons for that, but Revelation 1-3 could not be clearer. They are a message from Jesus to seven churches of the first century. In this first message on Revelation 1:1-20 which forms something of an introduction to chapters 2-3, it is vitally important to note what the book is about and also who it is that John saw in his vision.


00:00 Welcome
Song: I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
00:18 Introduction
00:45 Prayer
05:22 Bible reading: Daniel 7:9-14
Song: Behold Our God
06:43 Shorter Catechism Introduction
08:10 Catechism Questions 1-5
Song: Doodle-Oodle-Oo the Catechismo
09:45 Bible reading: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: Meekness and Majesty
Sermon: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: Crown Him With Many Crowns
13:14 Closing


• A new series!
• Do you hope for a better church on earth? We should!
• What did John see, and how should the church view her Lord?
• See how these verses tell us of.…

  1. Jesus: who speaks and wants to be known (v.1)
  2. Jesus: who is the same but not the same (v.17)
  3. Jesus: who we must behold in awe (v.13-16)

See Jesus… as He is!

‘An empty tomb, a blatant lie and a message for the world’ (Matthew 28:1-20)

When the women first went to the tomb where Jesus has been buried on that first Easter Sunday morning, they never expected to find Him alive. But when Matthew records in Matthew 28:1-20 that Jesus was alive, this changed everything. While they worshipped Him by falling down at His feet, the soldiers who had been guarding the tomb (and saw what happened) and the Jewish authorities were meeting together to spread misinformation about the truth. But no lie can stop the truth, and the whole universe is now under the Lordship on Jesus!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
00:17 Introduction
00:43 Prayer
04:20 Bible reading: Matthew 27:57-28:7
Song: In Christ Alone
07:06 Kids’ Talk – Colin Buchanan (with thanks to Compassion)
14:42 Bible reading: Matthew 28:1-20
Song: Never Alone
Sermon: Matthew 28:1-20
Song: Thine Be the Glory
17:02 Closing


• If the gospels ended at the cross…
• The resurrection is the great game changer
• Three scenes in the text
• See how Matthew tells us of…

  1. Feet worth touching (v.1-10)
  2. Lies worth telling (v.11-15)
  3. Commands worth keeping (v.16-20)

A choice to be made… which will be yours?

‘Tried before Pilate, mocked by soldiers, crucified before all’ (Matthew 27:11-44)

Matthew’ gospel continues to record the ‘things that happened to Jesus’ in Matthew 27:11-44. His sufferings did not end with His denial and betrayal or His arrest and trial, but also extended right up to and including His death on the cross. Matthew records all these things to make it doubly clear that Jesus was innocent of all crime and all sin. That He was the One who was ‘the righteous’ who died for the unrighteous’, to ‘bring us to God’ (1 Peter 3:18)


• Where we are in Matthew 26
• Vivid, remembered details
• Three scenes in the text
• See how Matthew tells us of…

  1. Jesus on trial before Pilate (v.11-26)
  2. Jesus on show before the soldiers (v.27-32)
  3. Jesus on the cross before the world (v.33-44)

All this… at great expense to Himself… for you!

‘Hardened unbelievers, failing and remorseful disciples’ (Matthew 26:57-27:10)

After Jesus allowed Himself to be arrested and separated from His disciples, the Bible tells us that they all forsook Him and fled. All but one. Peter followed, but at a distance. And through the providence of God, Peter found a way to be nearer to Jesus than the rest of the disciples were… nearer, but sadly, further away from Him. Being close up to Jesus didn’t help Peter at all. It just magnified his weakness. It showed up what he wasn’t made of. He had professed that he would die with jesus, but he couldn’t even testify that he was one of His disciples! Poor Peter… but poor us when we think and act as if we have more strength that we do!


00:00 Welcome
Song: There Is a Fountain
00:17 Introduction
00:39 Prayer
05:27 Bible reading: Isaiah 53
Song: Jesus Paid It All
07:41 Kids’ Talk
Song: Jesus Didn’t Sin
13:11 Bible reading: Matthew 26:57-27:10
Song: Jesus Thank You
Sermon: Matthew 26:57-27:10
Song: Man of Sorrows
16:50 Closing


• Where we are in Matthew 26
• A downward spiral begins
• The changing scenes before the reader
• See how Matthew tells us of…

  1. The threats of many witnesses testifying against Him (v.57-68)
  2. The tragedy of one disciple who denied Him (v.69-75)
  3. The fate of one disciple who betrayed Him (v.1-10)

See the Saviour in the midst of enemies and failures!

‘Trials, submission and victory in the garden’ (Matthew 26:36-56)

Was there ever a scene so poignant as the time that Jesus spent in the garden of Gethsemane right before the cross? The gospel writers make much of this, as we find in Matthew 26:36-56. The text tells us that Jesus struggled with the enormity of the ‘cup’ placed before Him by the Father, which He must take and drink. It wasn’t out of fear of pain or death that he recoiled from drinking it. Not at all. But He knew that on drinking it, He would face separation from His Father. And yet (thanks be to God), He obeyed! What a wonderful Saviour!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Holy Holy Holy
00:17 Introduction
00:38 Prayer
04:52 Bible reading: Jeremiah 25:8-17
Song: Jerusalem
06:40 Kids’ Talk
Song: Jesus Rose to Pray
11:49 Bible reading: Matthew 26:36-56
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
Sermon: Matthew 26:36-56
Song: When I Survey
15:14 Closing


• The garden
• Extreme trial for Jesus
• The ‘heavy load he chose to bear’…
• See how Matthew tells us of…

  1. The sorrow of Jesus (v.36-42)
  2. The submission of Jesus (v.43-46)
  3. The betrayal of Jesus (v.47-56)

Victory won – before the cross!
‘I have come to do Your will, O God’

‘Some shock news, a significant meal and a daring pronouncement’ (Matthew 26:17-35)

The scene at the Last Supper as recorded in Matthew 26:17-35 is so full of significance. Much could be (and has been!) written about the event which connected the Passover to this institution of the new covenant by Jesus. But what happened after the Last Supper is also important for setting the scene that would take place in the garden of Gethsemane, and this specifically concerns Peter, who, on hearing what was about to take place, boldly claimed to ‘even die with Jesus’. Poor Peter… but yes, how many times have you and I been like him?


00:00 Welcome
Song: Praise to the Lord
00:18 Introduction
00:39 Prayer
03:35 Bible reading: Zechariah 13:1-9
Song: Be Unto Your Name
05:38 Kids’ Talk
Song: I Can’t Save Myself
10:09 Bible reading: Matthew 26:17-35
Song: How Deep the Father’s Love
Sermon: Matthew 26:17-35
Song: This Life I Live
12:33 Closing


• Where we are in Matthew 26
• The calm before the coming storm
• The focus switches to Jesus and the eleven
• See how Matthew tells us of…

  1. The astonishing news that He broke to them (v.17-25)
  2. The memorable meal he shared with them (v.26-29)
  3. The bold pronouncement made to Him (v.30-35)

The disciples… what a mixed bag!
Remember who we are and whose we are…

‘A plot to bring Him down, an act to lift Him up, a deal to give Him away’ (Matthew 26:1-16)

In the chapters leading up to the events of the death and resurrection of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel, Matthew 26:1-16 follows on directly after the Olivet Discourse. In these chapters, Matthew sets out clearly the events that led up to the the death of Jesus, beginning with the plot the Jewish religious leaders hatched to put Him to death and ending (in these verses) with the desire of Judas to betray Him. But in the midst of those two events is the wonderful act of love completed by Mary. While the men in this text are clearly walking in darkness, she, on the other hand, is walking in the light.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Immortal Invisible
00:18 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
03:18 Bible reading: Zechariah 11:1-13
Song: Behold the Lamb of God
05:39 Kids’ Talk
Song: Mary and Martha
09:59 Bible reading: Matthew 26:1-16
Song: Before the Throne
Sermon: Matthew 26:1-16
Song: My Hope Is Built
11:53 Closing


• A new series leading up to Easter
• Irony in the life of Jesus
• ‘Let the games begin’
• See how Matthew tells us…

  1. How the plot to kill Jesus was hatched (v.1-5)
  2. How the action to anoint Jesus was noted (v.6-13)
  3. How the decision to betray Jesus was motivated (v.14-16)

Where do you fit in this picture?
More irony… hated and rejected but the only safe place to stand!

The Olivet Discourse (part 8) ‘The parable of the sheep and the goats’ (Matthew 25:31-46)

It’s fitting that the parable Jesus told in Matthew 25:31-46 is the last thing that Matthew records in this long discourse from the mouth of Jesus. The parable has always been and remains one of the scariest parables that jesus ever told – not because it is unclear – but just the opposite! It is all too clear. In the parable, jesus tells His disciples that when He comes back he will take up His royal throne and immediately proceed to judge the nations, and therefore, all peoples. An in that process of judgement he will make an eternal distinction between those who are His (sheep) and those who are not (goats). The dividing line will be eternal and the judgement will be on the basis of works. Salvation is not by works. Salvation is by grace. That’s how anyone of us become one of His sheep! But judgement is based on works and these will either identify us as one of His sheep or not! It’s a most vital truth and one that you cannot ignore!


00:00 Welcome
Song: O Christ in Thee
00:19 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
03:32 Bible reading: Matthew 25:31-46
Song: My Worth Is Not in What I Own
05:41 Kids’ Talk
Song: Isaiah 53:6 (Baa Baa Doo Baa Baa)
11:09 Bible reading: 1 John 4:7-21
Song: My Heart Is Filled
Sermon: Matthew 25:31-46
Song: Sing We the King
13:27 Closing


  • Where we are in Matthew 25
  • The flow of the last two parables
  • The need to ‘be ready’ and to ‘be busy’ and now to see how it all fits!’
  • See how Jesus tells us of the.…
  1. Scene of the final judgement (v.31-33)
  2. Reward of the righteous (v.34-40)
  3. Punishment of the unrighteous (v.41-46)

Again, no salvation by works…
The heart of the matter: to love Jesus is to love His people!

The Olivet Discourse (part 7) ‘The parable of the talents’ (Matthew 25:14-30)

When Jesus told the ‘parable of the talents’ in Matthew 25:14-30, He did so in the context of urging His disciples to be ready for His return, and not to be found unprepared, like the five bridesmaids in the previous parable. So, in this ‘parable of the talents’, Jesus took this one whole step further by not only encouraging preparedness for His return but also fruitfulness in His absence. The themes of reward for fruitfulness and judgement for unfruifulness are evident in the story. All of us have been given something by the Lord Jesus. What He expects to find when He comes again and what we will bring to Him need to match up!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Rejoice the Lord Is King
00:19 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
03:43 Bible reading: Matthew 25:14-30
Song: O Great God
06:17 Kids’ Talk
Song: Let Your Light Shine
10:34 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 3:5-17
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
Sermon: Matthew 25:14-30
Song: Take My Life
12:18 Closing


  • Where we are in Matthew 25
  • Last week’s parable
  • The need to ‘be ready’ underlined again… but also to ‘be busy’
  • See how Jesus calls us to.…
  1. Remember the riches of gospel privilege (v.14-15)
  2. Embrace the promise of generous reward (v.16-23)
  3. Avoid the certainty of coming judgement (v.24-30)

Not saved by good works but called to them…
Taking small steps to be busy with the gospel…