‘Uncover Jesus’ (Revelation 1:1-20)

There are some things that are just easy to do, and being confused about Jesus is one of them! In this message from April 2018, Steve Blyth takes us through some of the imagery found in Revelation 1:1-20 and points us to who Jesus is according to the Scriptures.


Radio Service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Praise to the Lord
00:20 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
Song: O Great God
05:01 Bible reading: Daniel 7:9-14
Song: Tell Me the Old Old Story
06:22 Bible reading: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
Sermon: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: All Hail the Power
09:54 Closing


Confused about Jesus?
Intro to Revelation (1-3)

Picture 1 – The Personal Loving Jesus (4-8)

  • Faithful Witness
  • First born from the dead
  • Loves us and freed us
  • Coming back again

Picture 2 – The Powerful Reigning Jesus (12-16)

  • Seven Lampstands
  • Son of Man
  • Royal Robe
  • Fiery Eyes
  • Powerful Voice

Putting the pictures together (17-18)

Confidence in Jesus
The one who loves you personally and rules all things powerfully

‘Laodicea: Urged to deal with mediocrity’ (Revelation 3:14-22)

When Jesus spoke to the church at Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-22, he highlighted the ‘lukewarmness’ of their response to His word. The church there wan’t suffering from persecution or false teaching, but they were mediocre in their walk with Him. Using images that could be found all over this city, including items that the city was famous for, this letter to the church from Jesus was intended to prod and stir these believers into action. Mediocrity is never enough. Hearing his word and obeying is what counts!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Standing on the Promises
00:17 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
02:45 Bible reading: Isaiah 55:1-11
Song: 10,000 Reasons
05:10 Shorter Catechism Introduction
06:38 Catechism Questions 68-72
09:33 Bible reading: Revelation 3:14-22
Song: Consider Christ
Sermon: Revelation 3:14-22
Song: Revive Thy Church
11:36 Closing


• The seventh of the 7 churches
• A strong, sharp and pointed message from Jesus
• The credentials of Jesus before the rebuke!
• See in these verses present us with a view of Jesus…

  1. As a visitor to the city, drinking. (v.15-16)
  2. As a merchant in the city, trading (v.17-18)
  3. As a guest in the city, knocking (v.19-21)

From their depths to His heights!
The way out of mediocrity

‘Philadelphia: Facing an open door’ (Revelation 3:7-13)

In the message to the sixth of the seven churches, we find Jesus speaking in Revelation 3:7-13 to the church in Philadelphia. It is a relatively short letter, much like the letter to the church at Smyrna, that speaks only encouraging words to the church. Apparently the church at Philadelphia was ‘weak’ but this would be no hindrance to their witness – for Jesus himself had set before them an ‘open door’ and promised success with His Word and the promise of their eternal security. This creates both an assurance and a challenge. Will we press on to the end and be faithful with the gospel?


00:00 Welcome
Song: And Can It Be
00:19 Introduction
00:41 Prayer
05:19 Bible reading: Hebrews 10:19-39
Song: Come Praise and Glorify
07:44 Shorter Catechism Introduction
09:11 Catechism Questions 63-67
11:34 Bible reading: Revelation 3:7-13
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
Sermon: Revelation 3:7-13
Song: Amazing Grace
13:04 Closing


• The sixth of the 7 churches
• An encouragement from Jesus to a church with ‘little power’
• See in these verses how Jesus spoke of…

  1. Opportunity and success with His Word. (v.7-9)
  2. Protection and reward in His service (v.10-13)

A lesson from life of John G Paton
Grace that saves and grace that enables us to persevere!

‘Sardis: A wake up call to the dead’ (Revelation 3:1-6)

You have to wonder what the church in Sardis thought when they received their letter from the Lord Jesus in Revelation 3:1-6 and read that his estimation of them was that they were ‘dead’. The church at Sardis may well have had the appearance of being alive. Activity. Preaching. Worship. Giving. Outward signs of life…without inward reality! It is clear then that Jesus’ message to this church was written then to bring them back to life and to re-awaken them to repentance, without which the church will never see the blessing of the Lord.


00:00 Welcome
Song: All Creatures of Our God and King
00:19 Introduction
00:38 Prayer
05:03 Bible reading: Hebrews 12:1-17
Song: Be Unto Your Name
07:51 Shorter Catechism Introduction
09:19 Catechism Questions 33-37
11:38 Bible reading: Revelation 3:1-6
Song: How Deep the Father’s Love
Sermon: Revelation 2:18-29
Song: Search Me O God
12:45 Closing


• The fifth of the 7 churches
• Appearance of life, but…
• A church receiving a wake up call…
• See in these verses.…

  1. The dangerous deception of appearances (v.1-2)
  2. The sure road of recovery (v.3)
  3. The certain promise of victory (v.4-6)

A dead church?
‘Seek the Lord while He may be found…’

‘Thyatira: On the brink of extinction’ (Revelation 2:18-29)

Of all the seven cities listed in this part of Revelation, Thyatira was by far the least important. It was neither a major religious centre nor a regional political capital. It was simply a busy, minor Macedonia trading colony notable, if it was notable for anything at all, for the number of trade guilds that provided the structure for civic society and business life in the city of Thyatira. And yet of all the seven letters, this letter to the believers in Thyatira in Revelation 2:18-29 is the longest and the most involved and perhaps the most urgent.


00:00 Welcome
Song: To God Be the Glory
00:18 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
07:28 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:6-4:8
Song: Behold the Lamb of God
09:59 Shorter Catechism Introduction
11:26 Catechism Questions 28-32
Song: Romans 6:23
13:51 Bible reading: Revelation 2:18-29
Song: Before the Throne
Sermon: Revelation 2:18-29
Song: Fight the Good Fight
16:23 Closing


• The fourth of the 7 churches
• A city of no major importance
• A church getting its final ultimatum…
• See in these verses…

  1. The contradiction Jesus found (v.18-20)
  2. The consequences Jesus foreshadowed (v.21-29)

That need for consistency…
His way or else!

‘Pergamum: In danger of compromise’ (Revelation 2:12-17)

When Jesus spoke to the 7 churches of Asia Minor, he did so to bring forth spiritual life and vitality. This is seen clearly in the message he spoke to the church at Pergamum in Revelation 2:12-17 where the church was in danger of compromising with the world – especially due to their toleration of false teachers. Sadly, church history revelas that whenever the church has played around with the truth, Jesus has come against His Church – not to bless it and make it comfortable, but to bring it back the the ‘straight and narrow’ paths of the Lord.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Stand Up and Bless the Lord
00:19 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
05:09 Bible reading: Jude 1-13
Song: My Worth Is Not in What I Own
07:27 Shorter Catechism Introduction
08:55 Catechism Questions 23-27
Song: Romans 6:23
10:53 Bible reading: Revelation 2:12-17
Song: My Heart Is Filled
Sermon: Revelation 2:12-17
Song: Soldiers of Christ
12:03 Closing


• The third of the 7 churches
• Relevant to today
• A suffering church, needing encouragement…
• See in these verses…

  1. How Jesus was pleased about faithful testimony (v.13)
  2. How Jesus was displeased about false teachers (v.14-15
  3. How Jesus was honest about continued unrepentance (v.16-17)

Not a popular image of Jesus…
Fighting the good fight …against who?

‘Smyrna: In need of continued perseverance’ (Revelation 2:8-11)

When Jesus sent His message to the church at Smyrna through John in Revelation 2:8-11, and called them to perservere in their time of suffering for the gospel, He did not forget that they had already suffered much in the way of persecution. However, He did urge them to ‘keep on, keeping on’ in the midst of their trials. Perhaps the believers in Smyrna might have hoped that He would end their trials. Not this time. He called them to endure, but also gave them many promises that would help them do as He bid.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Marvellous Grace
00:19 Introduction
00:41 Prayer
05:03 Bible reading: James 1:1-12
Song: O Great God
06:50 Shorter Catechism Introduction
08:17 Catechism Questions 18-22
Song: The Bible Is the Answer
10:49 Bible reading: Revelation 2:8-11
Song: My Hope Rests Firm
Sermon: Revelation 2:8-11
Song: Stand Up for Jesus
11:38 Closing


• The second of the 7 churches
• Snapshots of life in Smyrna
• A suffering church, needing encouragement.…
• See in these verses .…

  1. How Jesus described Himself (v.8)
  2. How Jesus commended them (v.9)
  3. How Jesus commanded them (v.10-11)

Was this the message they wanted?
Suffering for Christ? Press on!

‘Ephesus: In need of spiritual renewal’ (Revelation 2:1-7)

The Lord Jesus gave John seven messages to deliver to the seven churches of the region, and the first of the seven churches mentioned is the one in the city of Ephesus. What Jesus had to say to them was clear in Revelation 2:1-7. There was much to commend the church at Ephesus – they were hard working, dligient and orthodox – but there was one thing that caused Jesus much concern. They had lost their first love. But Jesus not only pointed this out, He also told them the steps needed to bring about the needed renewal.


00:00 Welcome
Song: What a Friend
00:19 Introduction
00:42 Prayer
04:21 Bible reading: Acts 19:1-20
Song: 10,000 Reasons
07:18 Shorter Catechism Introduction
08:46 Catechism Questions 12-17
Song: Doodle-Oodle-Oo the Catechismo
11:34 Bible reading: Revelation 2:1-7
Song: Consider Christ
Sermon: Revelation 2:1-7
Song: More Love to Thee
13:00 Closing


• The first of the 7 churches
• Snapshots of the church at Ephesus
• Lots of good points, but one major flaw…
• See how these verses tell us of .…

  1. The labour that Jesus noted (v.1-3)
  2. The decline that Jesus exposed (v.4)
  3. The response that Jesus commanded (v.5-7)

This little light of mine…
The biggest threat to the Church

‘The vision of Jesus: What John heard’ (Revelation 1:1-20 pt 2)

When John turned to see the voice that was speaking to him in Revelation 1:1-20, he saw the Lord Jesus Christ in all His glory and fell at His feet as ‘though dead’. While the vision John had was of significance, of even more signficiance was what he heard Jesus say. In this second message on Revelation 1:1-20, we find out what Jesus thinks of His church and why he wrote the seven letters that appear in Revelation 2-3.


00:00 Welcome
Song: O Worship the King
00:17 Introduction
00:41 Prayer
05:03 Bible reading: Psalm 29
Song: Come Praise and Glorify
06:19 Shorter Catechism Introduction
07:47 Catechism Questions 6-11
Song: The Bible Is the Answer
09:50 Bible reading: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
Sermon: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
13:22 Closing


• This new series…!
• Where we are in Revelation 1
• What did John hear, and what does the Lord think of His church?
• See how these verses tell us…

  1. That Jesus had something to say to His church (v.1)
  2. What Jesus had to say to His church (v.17, Ch 2-3)

What does Jesus want to see when he looks at us?

‘The vision of Jesus: What John saw’ (Revelation 1:1-20 pt 1)

The book of Revelation is probably the most misunderstood book in the Bible. Admittedly, there are a few good reasons for that, but Revelation 1-3 could not be clearer. They are a message from Jesus to seven churches of the first century. In this first message on Revelation 1:1-20 which forms something of an introduction to chapters 2-3, it is vitally important to note what the book is about and also who it is that John saw in his vision.


00:00 Welcome
Song: I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
00:18 Introduction
00:45 Prayer
05:22 Bible reading: Daniel 7:9-14
Song: Behold Our God
06:43 Shorter Catechism Introduction
08:10 Catechism Questions 1-5
Song: Doodle-Oodle-Oo the Catechismo
09:45 Bible reading: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: Meekness and Majesty
Sermon: Revelation 1:1-20
Song: Crown Him With Many Crowns
13:14 Closing


• A new series!
• Do you hope for a better church on earth? We should!
• What did John see, and how should the church view her Lord?
• See how these verses tell us of.…

  1. Jesus: who speaks and wants to be known (v.1)
  2. Jesus: who is the same but not the same (v.17)
  3. Jesus: who we must behold in awe (v.13-16)

See Jesus… as He is!