‘Real repentance’ (Jonah 3:1-10, Rev Peter Phillips)



• What’s unbelievable here?
• Jonah’s sin
• Your sin and mine
• See how the text speaks of….

  1. Jonah’s second chance – a gift of grace
  2. Jonah’s repentance – proven genuine by obedience

‘Fruit in keeping with repentance’
Responding to the grace of God…
Something you need to put right?

‘Remembering Him’ (Luke 22:1-23)

In Luke 22, Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper, saying, “Do this in remembrance of me”. As we gather again today to celebrate this meal in obedience to him – full of symbolism and scriptural allusions – what and who are we remembering?



  • Life forever on earth?
  • Some comments on ‘being remembered’
  • How could Jesus ever be forgotten?
  • Is there more to remembering Him than remembering?
  1. The Old Covenant – remembered in repetition
  2. The New Covenant – remembered in symbol

The object of our faith
The test of our faith
The test of our remembering

‘Bringing the rebel to repentance’ (Jonah 1:3-12)

In this second message on the book of Jonah, Rev Peter Phillips explores the rebellious response of the prophet to the Lord’s command to go to Nineveh and preach against their evil. This response of Jonah is indicative of all humanity. None of us, by nature, want to serve God. We would all much rather please ourselves! But God cannot have it that way, and went to great lengths to bring his disobedient prophet back into line and to seeing his own need of mercy.



  1. Jonah’s rebellion against the Lord
  2. Jonah’s rebellion revealed
  3. Jonah’s repentance unto life
  4. Jonah’s restoration to a right relationship with God

• Acknowledging sin and what it deserves

• Knowing and believing that God has provided a Saviour

• Turning from sin and trusting in God’s provision

‘The King furnishes the Temple’ (1 Kings 7:13-51)

Once the task of building the Temple was completed, King Solomon set about to furnish the Temple with the items that would have been prescribed by God to Moses in relation to the tabernacle. 1 Kings 7:13-51 records the many items, some made of bronze, and others of gold, that were soon part of the temple’s furnishings. While some of them sound strange to our ears, they were all of significance and from them we can glean something of God’s redemptive work in saving His people Israel, and also be reminded of the saving work that Jesus would complete for us.

Message (with thanks to Peter Phillips who ‘read’ Philip’s manuscript in his absence due to illness)’


‘The King furnishes the Temple’
• Moving house… rearranging furniture
• Everything where it should be
• Maybe not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’…
• Note from the text how it tells us of …

  1. The outer items of bronze (v.13-47)
  2. The inner items of gold (v.48-51)

See…the care of our Father
See…the people of His Church
See…the work of our Saviour!

‘Compassion for outsiders’ (Jonah 1:1-2)

In this message preached at St John’s in July 2022, Rev Peter Phillips explores the opening verses of the prophet Jonah, revealing God’s heart for those who are ‘beyond the walls’ and who do not belong to the covenant family of faith.


Radio Service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Rejoice the Lord Is King
00:19 Introduction
00:37 Prayer
05:54 Bible reading: Jonah 1:1-18
Song: Come Praise and Glorify
06:46 Shorter Catechism Introduction
08:13 Catechism Questions 187-192
14:37 Bible reading: Luke 4:14-30
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
Sermon: Jonah 1:1-2
Song: We’ve a Story to Tell
16:16 Closing


‘Compassion for outsiders’

1) Taking Jonah seriously

2) Taking Jonah to heart

150th Anniversary Service and message

On Sunday September 11th, 2022, the St John’s congregation celebrated its 150th anniversary (yes, the congregation was formed on September 8th, 1872). To praise God for His faithfulness and blessing upon us, a celebration service was held at which the PCV Moderator, Rev Peter Phillips, preached the message entitled ‘God’s Word for God’s World’ (the theme chosen by the Session for our anniversary year!)


Full service

‘All of God’s free grace’ (Luke 18:9-14)

In this message, Rev Peter Phillips reminds us that in the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14, Jesus gives us a very clear picture of how salvation is never earned or merited, but is always given freely by God to those who are undeserving. It is the not the self-righteous ‘good’ who make it in God’s eyes, but those who come to Him in complete humility and repentance. All this, is of course, a gift of God’s free grace.


00:00 Welcome
Song: And Can It Be
00:17 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
03:30 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 33:1-20
Song: We Are His People
08:31 Kids’ Talk – Colin Buchanan (with thanks to Compassion)
18:08 Bible reading: Luke 18:9-14
Song: Jesus Strong and Kind
Sermon: Luke 18:9-14
Song: Rock of Ages
19:19 Closing

Moderator’s Address

Moderator Peter Phillips and Lorraine Phillips

On Tuesday, 5th October 2021, Rev Peter Phillips was appointed as the Moderator of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Victoria.

This address was recorded on the 23rd September at Bendigo Presbyterian for the Assembly, which was held remotely.

Congratulations to Peter and we look forward to having you and Lorraine represent the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.

‘The parable of the persistent widow’ (Luke 18:1-8)

This sermon on Luke 18:1-8 by guest preacher, Rev Peter Phillips, tackles some of the biggest questions in life. “Why is there injustice in the world? What is God doing about it? What should the response of God’s people be to injustice?” All these questions circle around us and pervade our society everyday and while it is easy to get waylaid by their pressing nature, this parable urges God’s people to prayer, patience and perseverance – all things that we need God’s help to do and do well!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Come Thou Almighty King
00:17 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
04:50 Bible reading: Psalm 10:1-18
Song: See Him Coming
07:09 Kids’ Talk
Song: Revelation 3:20
11:48 Bible reading: Luke 17:11-18:8
Song: By Faith We See the Hand of God
Sermon: Luke 18:1-8
Song: Be Still My Soul
15:56 Closing