There are a few lies that you may hear at Christmas, but none of them rank with the lie of King Herod. More than that, his attitude meant that he missed out on everything Jesus came to bring – a sad scenario!
Author: Philip
‘The Christ of Christmas – who He really is’ (Colossians 1:15-18)
In a world where people are happy enough to enterain thoughts and listen to songs about Jesus in the manger, Colossians 1:15-18 brings another perspective. The Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus is no longer in the manger as a harmless child, but is fully God, to whom all things belong and for whom all things exist, who demands the absolutely first place in our lives. He can demand this because He is Lord and because He proved His love for mankind by paying the price of our sins by His own blood.
Christmas Services @ St John’s 2015
On Sunday December 13 at 8pm we will hold our annual ‘Carols by Torchlight’ in St John’s followed by supper in the hall. This is always a great time of singing Christmas hymns, reflecting upon the Christmas story and hearing God’s Word explained to us in a shorter format which Philip will bring. All are welcome and don’t forget your torch!
On Christmas Eve we will join in with our friends at Eaglehawk Presbyterian Church for their 7pm service followed by supper and then on Christmas Day we will meet together at 9:30am in St John’s. Philip will be preaching again from God’s Word and there will be more Christmas hymns. There will also be an offering for PresAID (Presbyterians Assisting in Development) projects among our partner churches in Zambia, Uganda, Vanuatu and Meekatharra (WA). Morning tea will follow in the hall if you can stay. Everyone is very welcome!
‘Ouch! Did Jesus really say that about love?’ (Matthew 5:43-48)
In a world where prejudice and racism is rife, Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:43-48 concerning loving our enemies, cut right through to the heart. His disciples, who belong to His upside down Kingdom, are not to be like the world or the Pharisees who believe that God’s law encouraged them to ‘hate their enemies’. There is no such Old Testament law! Instead, Jesus taught that His disciples ought to exercise inclusion (embracing all kinds of people) and practise imitiation of our Heavenly Father who sends rain upon all kinds of people. Imitating that undiscriminating kind of love is nothing less than what Jesus taught and showed in His death securing our salvation. His love was at great cost to Himself!
Playgroup and Sunday School Celebration report
Well, it happened! Our annual Playgroup and Sunday School Celebration was a great event today. Children participating in Christmas-themed costumes, lots of singing, short and sharp videos of the Sunday School children acting out and talking about some of Jesus’ parables, and of course ‘Hot Dog’ came along to help us to understand God’s ‘big story’ and how the birth and death of Jesus fits into it all. Lunch was great too! Bring on next year!
‘Ouch! Did Jesus really say that about offences?’ (Matthew 5:38-42)
Because of what Jesus taught in Matthew 5:38-42, some have concluded that Jesus was anti-war and others that he was a pacifist. Though his words have been misinterpreted over the years, Jesus did teach that in the lives of His followers there is no room for taking revenge, there must be much room for our lives for forgiveness and plentiful room in our hearts for love – even for those who would strike, offend or use us. There will be many times when our rights are trodden on. Jesus knew all about that. he chose to give us His rights for our sake and by doing so saved us, that we might be His and learn to live His way of forgiveness in response.
‘Ouch! Did Jesus really say that about oaths?’ (Matthew 5:33-37)
In a day when the Jewish religious found themselves every ‘loophole’ they could find in the Old Testament law about making oaths and promises, in Matthew 5:33-37, Jesus made it very clear that those who were quick to make oaths and promises that they never intended to keep, were avoiding a serious issue. God does not expect His people to only tell the truth when they are forced to swear on oath. The true disciple of Jesus will be known by their honesty and truth-telling. God’s standards remain hight, but there is grace freely given to all who seek it – even to those who have failed to keep their word.
Playgroup and Sunday School end-of-year celebration!
‘Ouch! Did Jesus really say that about divorce?’ (Matthew 5:31-32)
In a day when the Jewish religious found themselves a ‘loophole’ in the Old Testament law about divorce, in Matthew 5:31-32, Jesus made it very clear that the issue goes much deeper than what was popular at the time. Jesus taught that the only ‘biblical ‘grounds for divorce are sexual immorality, and that those who divorce for other reasons end up breaking the seventh commandment if and when they remarry. This is a difficult topic for many, especially when the divorce rate is so high, however God’s standards are there to be followed and we must not forget that His grace is freely given to all who seek it – even to those who have failed to keep their marriage vows.
Reformation Sunday Celebration with Rev Dr Douglas Milne (Hebrews 13:7)
At our Reformation Sunday Celebration, Rev Dr Douglas Milne preached from Hebrews 13:7, reminding us of the great legacy left behind by the Christian leaders of the Reformation and of those who have walked with God in days gone by, encouraging us all to imitate their faith by trusting in the Lord Jesus to the end.