‘Christmas explained by the words of Peter’ (2 Peter 1:16-21)

‘There’s no Christmas without Christ!’ If only that were so. Sadly, there’s lots of Christmases without Christ, and as Christmas comes and goes again, it’s possible that many fall for the trap of living as though, the trimmings count more than the reality. The Apostle Peter knew little about the Christmas story, but what he did know about Jesus he learned through first hand experience – and in the text of 2 Peter 1:16-21, Peter reflects on his time on the mount of transfiguration with Jesus. It must have been amazing to see and witness. A place where Peter saw the majesty and glory of Jesus. But even then, after having that experience, Peter said there was something even ‘more sure’ than what he’d seen and heard. It was the Scriptures. These testify to the One who came for us to be our Saviour.


00:00 Welcome
Song: O Come All Ye Faithful
00:18 Introduction
00:54 Prayer
06:46 Bible reading: Luke 9:18-36
Song: What Child Is This
09:50 PresAID Appeal
13:10 Bible reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21
Song: Good Christians All Rejoice
14:45 Barnabas Fund appeal
Sermon: 2 Peter 1:16-21
Song: Joy to the World
19:29 Closing


  • It’s Boxing Day…the cricket is on!
  • Imagine cricket without the ball? Imagine Christmas without Christ!
  • How do we know if this is all true?
  • Consider Peter’s reasons… He says, trust…
  1. The testimony of the Apostles (v.16-18)
  2. The testimony of the Scriptures (v.19-21)

The rescue mission…
One other Apostle’s trustworthy saying.…

‘Applying right theology to living life before the Lord comes’ (1 Thessalonians 5:12-28)

One of the strong emphases of Scripture when it comes to the return of Jesus, is the important question of ‘how we live’ in the light of His coming. As Paul concludes his letter to the Church at Thesalonica in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, this emphasis can be clearly seen. While Paul has established the fact of Jesus’ return, especially the unknown hour of that return, he does not finish the letter without calling God’s people back to living in the world, with their feet on earth, so to speak. And as he closes the letter, he does so with some practical instructions, so that the time we have while we wait for Jesus to come in spent the right way – in living for Him and not for lesser things.


00:00 Welcome
Song: Hark the Herald Angels
00:18 Introduction
00:43 Prayer
04:29 Bible reading: Philippians 1:1-11
Song: Tell Out My Soul
05:48 Kids’ Talk
Song: You Can Tell the Lord That You Love Him
09:45 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Song: Who Is He in Yonder Stall
Sermon: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Song: Amazing Grace
11:23 Closing


  • Soren Kierkegaard and his duck story
  • Theology – to be applied!
  • How Paul wants us to live as we wait for the return of our Lord…
  1. The way we are to respond to our leaders (v.12-13)
  2. The way we are to respect one another (v.14-15)
  3. The way we are to react to our circumstances (v.16-18)
  4. The way we are to receive the Word of God (v.19-22)

Being the people of Jesus, because of Jesus.
Paul’s apt benediction – grace at the start and the finish.

‘God’s people have got talent!’ (or, the call to ‘multiply your minas’) (Luke 19:11-27)

This message was preached for the occasion of the celebration of the contribution of our organist, Mrs Jean Spicer, for nearly 70 years, something that is a great witness to the faithfulness of the Lord and the faithfulness He calls His people to. The central message of the parable Jesus told in Luke 19:11-27, is just that – faithfulness. Each of us are given gifts of grace by God that he exepcts us to use in the furthering of His Kingdom. Even Jesus was called upon to be faithful and it is by His faithfulness that we are richly rewarded. (The hymns chosen today are Jean’s favourites!)


00:00 Welcome
Song: Immortal Invisible
00:20 Introduction
00:49 Prayer
06:59 Bible reading: Exodus 35-36
Song: To God Be the Glory
10:13 Interview With Jean
14:42 Bible reading: Luke 19:11-27
Song: The Day Thou Gavest
Sermon: Luke 19:11-27
Song: Take My Life
17:00 Closing


  • What to preach?
  • Trumpets, flutes and harps… but no organs?
  • A parable that applies to all of us
  • See in these verses…
  1. The setting of the parable (v.11)
  2. The characters of the parable (v.12-14)
  3. The conclusions of the parable (v.15-27)

What this means for the one who hears the parable…
What this meant for the one who told the parable…

‘Are you ready for the return of the Lord?’ (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)

There are certain events in life that we must all get ready for. As I write this, Christmas isn’t too far away – and we all know what that means! Some events, like Christmas, are expected. Others are not. The return of Jesus certainly fits into this second category. His return will not be announced beforehand, but like a ‘thief in the night’ He will come unexpectedly. What should we do then, in response to this? In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 we find what the Apostle Paul encourage us to do in the light of Christ’s return – so that we will not be caught unaware and we can be ‘be prepared’ for the inevitable.


00:00 Welcome
Song: All Creatures of Our God and King
00:20 Introduction
00:44 Prayer
03:33 Bible reading: Romans 13:1-14
Song: Consider Christ
05:54 Kids’ Talk
Song: Hooley Dooley Wap Bam Boom!
10:31 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Song: Christ Is Mine Forevermore
Sermon: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Song: Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
11:56 Closing


  • Ernest Shackleton and his men
  • The Thessalonians were troubled by the date of Jesus’ return!
  • Just when will Jesus come back anyway?
  • Consider Paul’s answer…
  1. The time and date are unknown (v.1-3)
  2. The way we live while we wait is vital (v.4-11)

Think biblically, watch daily, encourage constantly
The story of William Miller

‘Our gospel hope: Life after death and the return of the Lord!’ (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

If there’s one thing we all need to survive in this world and in order to ‘keep on, keeping on’ it’s hope. Not a vain ‘pie-in-the-sky’ hope that people have when they believe something that isn’t true to lessen the pain of reality, but a hope that is based on something outside of us, something that is tangible and real. God’s people have such a hope, and in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul speaks about that hope – a hope that says ‘we will be with the Lord forever’. How that hope works out in relation to the reality of death and in relation to the Lord’s coming is spelled out in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. It’s a great passage and one that should remind us that our hope in Christ is not just something for the present. It’s for tomorrow and every day and for eternity!


00:00 Welcome
Song: O Worship the King
00:16 Introduction
00:39 Prayer
04:56 Bible reading: Acts 1
Song: My Heart Is Filled
07:08 Kids’ Talk
Song: Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled (John 14:1-4)
11:30 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Song: My Worth Is Not in What I Own
Sermon: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Song: My Faith Looks Up to Thee
12:49 Closing


  • Taxes and death!
  • These believers were wondering …??
  • The uncertainty of the timing of His return…
  • Note here that Paul speaks of the Lord’s return and
  1. The role that believers are to play in it (v.13-15)
  2. The certainty we should have of it (v.16)
  3. The comfort we should gain from it (v.17-18)

Clearing away ignorance
Defining our attitude to life and death

‘Excelling at gospel living in a low-standard world’ (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12)

The ability to walk is something that most of us take for granted. It’s only if and when we lose that ability we realise that learning to walk all over again is hard. The Bible also lays emphasis upon how God’s people should ‘walk’ -in the sense of how we conduct ourselves as ‘chidren of the light’. In 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, Paul lays down some practical teaching for these believers to follow. Even though they once lived in a different kind of way – that is, like the rest of the world – now they were called to live and to ‘walk’ in a way that pleased God, and by doing this, they would show to the world around them that the gospel really had made a difference in daily living.


00:00 Welcome
Song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
00:18 Introduction
00:42 Prayer
05:31 Bible reading: Ephesians 4:17-32
Song: O Lord My Rock
07:27 Kids’ Talk
Song: Follow the Saviour
12:24 Bible reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
Song: O Great God
Sermon: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
Song: Teach Me Thy Way
14:12 Closing


  • Aussie sports champions
  • A commitment to doing better and better!
  • Walking – one of Paul’s favourite themes!
  • Here Paul tells us about godliness and how we are to walk…
  1. Godliness in personal life: walk in holiness (v.1-8)
  2. Godliness in church life: walk in harmony (v.9-10)
  3. Godliness in the world: walk in honesty (v.11-12)

The works and words of Eric Liddell
Excel at these things – do them ‘more and more’!

Update on masks and limits…

Following yesterday’s announcements made by the Vic Government, Session has approved the following changes;

  • At the 10:30am service (double vaccination status required for those 12 years and over, unless a vaild medical exemption is held), masks will no longer need to be worn.  However, you are free to keep your mask on if you are more comfortable with that option. There is now no cap on the numbers attending this service!! QR code/sign in still required.
  • At the 4pm service (no vaccination status required), the cap has increased to 50 persons, and masks will still need to be worn. QR code/sign in still required.

Morning/afternoon teas will follow both services.

‘Salvation by grace alone’ (Ephesians 2:1-10)

When Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses (points for discussion) on the noticeboard of the church in Wittenburg in 1517, he would have no way of knowing that his actions would change the world. So now, 504 years on, we are still remembering what he did, but more importantly, what he taught. One of the great 5 ‘alones’ that came from the Reformation is the teaching that ‘salvation is by grace alone’. In this message, on Ephesians 2:1-10 for Reformation Sunday, we explore the following questions, What is salvation? Why do we need salvation? How is salvation by grace only? Where do works and obedience fit in?


00:00 Welcome
Song: Marvellous Grace
00:18 Introduction
00:45 Prayer
06:28 Bible reading: Isaiah 1
Song: O the Mercy of God
09:29 Kids’ Talk
Song: Ephesians 2:8-10
14:12 Bible reading: Ephesians 2
Song: Grace Unmeasured
Sermon: Ephesians 2:1-10
Song: Amazing Grace
15:33 Closing