‘Remembering Him’ (Luke 22:1-23)

In Luke 22, Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper, saying, “Do this in remembrance of me”. As we gather again today to celebrate this meal in obedience to him – full of symbolism and scriptural allusions – what and who are we remembering?



  • Life forever on earth?
  • Some comments on ‘being remembered’
  • How could Jesus ever be forgotten?
  • Is there more to remembering Him than remembering?
  1. The Old Covenant – remembered in repetition
  2. The New Covenant – remembered in symbol

The object of our faith
The test of our faith
The test of our remembering

‘The coming of the Messiah as told to…Mary’ (Luke 1:26-38)

When the angel Gabriel finally found the moment to meet up with Mary, his initial greeting to her was something Mary wasn’t prepared for. It seems as though the appearing of the angel to her was not the cuse of her discomfort, but the greeting and what it might mean for her. It certainly brought change. Far more change than she could ever have anticipated, but God was also in that change, and though she wondered ‘how?’, the angel could answer that question as well. As a result, Mary submitted herself to do God’s will and accepted the Lord’s promise to her that she would be the mother of the Messiah with a humble heart.



• The third in this series!
• The dangers we face
• The text’s context…
• See how the text tells of …

  1. The unsettling greeting conveyed to her (v.26-30)
  2. The amazing details told to her (v.31-32)
  3. The welcome assurance shared with her (v.33-37)

Mary’s submissive response
Paul’s direct summary…

‘All of God’s free grace’ (Luke 18:9-14)

In this message, Rev Peter Phillips reminds us that in the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14, Jesus gives us a very clear picture of how salvation is never earned or merited, but is always given freely by God to those who are undeserving. It is the not the self-righteous ‘good’ who make it in God’s eyes, but those who come to Him in complete humility and repentance. All this, is of course, a gift of God’s free grace.


00:00 Welcome
Song: And Can It Be
00:17 Introduction
00:35 Prayer
03:30 Bible reading: 2 Chronicles 33:1-20
Song: We Are His People
08:31 Kids’ Talk – Colin Buchanan (with thanks to Compassion)
18:08 Bible reading: Luke 18:9-14
Song: Jesus Strong and Kind
Sermon: Luke 18:9-14
Song: Rock of Ages
19:19 Closing

‘God’s people have got talent!’ (or, the call to ‘multiply your minas’) (Luke 19:11-27)

This message was preached for the occasion of the celebration of the contribution of our organist, Mrs Jean Spicer, for nearly 70 years, something that is a great witness to the faithfulness of the Lord and the faithfulness He calls His people to. The central message of the parable Jesus told in Luke 19:11-27, is just that – faithfulness. Each of us are given gifts of grace by God that he exepcts us to use in the furthering of His Kingdom. Even Jesus was called upon to be faithful and it is by His faithfulness that we are richly rewarded. (The hymns chosen today are Jean’s favourites!)


00:00 Welcome
Song: Immortal Invisible
00:20 Introduction
00:49 Prayer
06:59 Bible reading: Exodus 35-36
Song: To God Be the Glory
10:13 Interview With Jean
14:42 Bible reading: Luke 19:11-27
Song: The Day Thou Gavest
Sermon: Luke 19:11-27
Song: Take My Life
17:00 Closing


  • What to preach?
  • Trumpets, flutes and harps… but no organs?
  • A parable that applies to all of us
  • See in these verses…
  1. The setting of the parable (v.11)
  2. The characters of the parable (v.12-14)
  3. The conclusions of the parable (v.15-27)

What this means for the one who hears the parable…
What this meant for the one who told the parable…

‘The parable of the persistent widow’ (Luke 18:1-8)

This sermon on Luke 18:1-8 by guest preacher, Rev Peter Phillips, tackles some of the biggest questions in life. “Why is there injustice in the world? What is God doing about it? What should the response of God’s people be to injustice?” All these questions circle around us and pervade our society everyday and while it is easy to get waylaid by their pressing nature, this parable urges God’s people to prayer, patience and perseverance – all things that we need God’s help to do and do well!


00:00 Welcome
Song: Come Thou Almighty King
00:17 Introduction
00:40 Prayer
04:50 Bible reading: Psalm 10:1-18
Song: See Him Coming
07:09 Kids’ Talk
Song: Revelation 3:20
11:48 Bible reading: Luke 17:11-18:8
Song: By Faith We See the Hand of God
Sermon: Luke 18:1-8
Song: Be Still My Soul
15:56 Closing

‘The Graciousness of God’s Grace’ (Luke 17:1-10)

On what basis are we accepted before God? In Luke 17:1-10, Jesus says his followers are unworthy servants. God owes us nothing and we owe him everything because he has accepted us by grace through faith alone. Hearing him, the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith but they – and we – don’t need more faith so much as true faith. Having been forgiven, we forgive others – not to impress anyone but merely having “done what was our duty” (v10).

‘Using worldly wealth wisely’ (Luke 16:1-18)

In Luke 16, Jesus tells another parable where an unjust steward—or dishonest manager—wasted his master’s possessions. This reminds us of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) where in the far county he wasted his inheritance in reckless living. Yet here the steward is commended as wise since “the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light”. Our Lord would have us be exceptions to the rule by using our wealth wisely and making friends for ourselves by mean of unrighteous wealth, so that they may receive us into the eternal dwellings. Heaven cannot be bought – but we can invest for eternity.

‘Lessons from the ‘other side’ of Christmas’ (Luke 2:21-52)

No sooner does Christmas arrive, it very quickly goes, and is soon forgotten until it comes around again after another year. Many will fall for the trap of observing Christmas, but never knowing Jesus, the ‘reason for the season’. The gospel writer, Luke, does not want us to do that. After he wrote of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:1-20, he added further information about the events that happened soon after in Luke 2:21-52 – particularly the events all took place in the temple where Jesus was presented, received and began to grow. And because Christmas happens at the end of one year and the start of another, these events remind us that there is an ongoing need for God’s people to be ‘growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour’ (2 Peter 3:18) with each successive change of the calendar.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Tell Out My Soul
00:17 Introduction
00:47 Prayer
06:48 Children’s talk (with thanks to Kidswise)
Song: Who is He in Yonder Stall?
10:43 Bible reading: Luke 2:21-38
Song: Good Christians All Rejoice
13:17 Bible reading: Luke 2:39-52
Song: O Little Town of Bethlehem
14:52 Sermon: Luke 2:21-52
Song: More About Jesus
36:55 Closing

‘First responders to the news of the birth of Jesus’ (Luke 2:18-20)

The Christmas story is an old story. Over 2,000 years old. And given that each year we hear about it and sing about it, the danger we face is that ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ and that we lose the impact of the story. Maybe one way of recovering that impact is to consider the response of the people who were there at the time. These people would include those mentioned in Luke 2:18-20, those who heard the testimony of the shepherds (verse 18), Mary herself (verse 19) and the shepherds themselves (verse 20). Luke gives attention to each of these three group and by noting well their responses we might be able to sort through and answer the question, ‘What is your reponse to the news of the birth of Jesus?”