‘Apples, oranges and a three-way contrast’ (1 Samuel 2:1-36)

In 1 Samuel 2:1-36 the writer carefully contrasts the character and actions of Hannah, her son Samuel and Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas who were priests of Israel. While Hannah rejoiced in God because of His faithfulness, the two sons of Eli showed great contempt for God and His Word and so earned God’s displeasure. In was in this situation that Samuel was raised and started living according to the grace he had received from God. Believers should never be the same as the world and our witness for Christ should be evident, like a light shining in a dark place.

‘The desire of Hannah’s heart’ (1 Samuel 1:1-28)

In 1 Samuel 1 the text highlights the desperate circumstances of Hannah as well as her utter dependence upon God and also her costly love which led her to fulfill a vow to the Lord that her son Samuel should be given over to the Lord’s service for all his days. Without knowing the full extent of what this would mean, Hannah’s willing submission to the Lord’s will for her brought much blessing and provides a model for a response to the grace of God in keeping with our call to follow and serve Him.