‘The upside of a downward spiral’ (1 Samuel 16:14-23)

In 1 Samuel 16:14-23, Saul’s continued disobedience and hardened heart meant that his life soon began to spiral downwards. However in the providence of God, David, the youngest son of Jesse became instrumental in bring blessing to Saul in his torment. In this way David is a type of Jesus, his greater Son, who was to come and who brings the fullness of forgiveness, salvation and peace to all who come to Him in faith.

‘Samuel’s thoughts on his long walk back’ (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

When Samuel went in obedience to the Lord’s command to the home of Jesse to anoint a new king in 1 Samuel 16:1-13, he must have thought deeply about the disappointments he’d known, the task he’d received and the obstacles he’d faced. The anointing of the previous King, Saul, had ended in disaster and now Samuel may well have thought that the same lay ahead. God, however, had other plans for Samuel and for His people in the anointing of David, who would not have been the world’s choice. The principle Samuel learned in all this was the need to wait for God’s instructions and then obey.

‘Saul’s good beginning …reaches a tragic end’ (1 Samuel 13-15)

Despite his good start, things began to unravel early on for King Saul. First came his impatient presumption when he offered the burnt offering sacrifice, then came his irresponsible decree when he banned his army from food, but to top it all of was his deceitful disobedience of God’s express command. There are many lessons we learn from his fall and in the end he does not point us to King Jesus who did all that God commanded him and whose fall on the way to the cross was only for a moment.

‘Samuel: Is this where I get off?’ (1 Samuel 12:1-25)

When Samuel gave his farewell speech to the people of Israel, he had little idea that his ministry was far from over. Nevertheless, Samuel’s speech indicated that he desired to be remembers as a faithful servant of the Lord who had shown integrity of character, had truthfully spoken God’s Word and had prayerfully upheld his people. God, however, had more work for Samuel to do and would not let this godly man’s influence simply disappear. Samuel’s faithfulness stands as a prelude to the Lord Jesus who would come and be faithful in completing all of God’s will for His people.

‘King Saul… and his good beginning’ (1 Samuel 9:1-11:15)

When Saul was anointed by Samuel as King over Israel it was evident that he had physical features and character traits that all promised hope that he would be a godly leader of the people. Accordingly, Saul began well in many areas without the help of other past kings to guide him in that difficult task. However, Saul’s good beginning amounted to nothing. Believers are not just to be those who begin well but also finish well, using the gifts and opportunities that God gives us until the final Day.

‘The King they wanted .. .and the King we need’ (1 Samuel 8:1-22)

These verses describe the request of the people of Israel to Samuel that he appoint them a King. Although this request displease Samuel, God allowed the request to stand. He had already told the people of Israel of His standards for a king and could also see the motives behind their request. The people wanted to be just like ‘the nations around them.’ Thankfully we have a King in Jesus who is the True and Perfect King, One whom we did not ask for but were given because of grace.

‘Ebenezer: the gospel rock’ (1 Samuel 7:3-17)

The verses of 1 Samuel 7:3-17 describe something of the amazing mercy of God towards the people of Israel. Though had been living in unbelief and idolatry, when the people repented of their sin and returned to the Lord their God, He gave them a decisive victory over the Philistines. To help them remember that event, and the Lord’s help to His people, Samuel set up a stone called Ebenezer. To us who have been rescued by the Lord through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we should never forget the fullness of His grace and mercy to His own.

‘The Ark’s tale: there and back again’ (1 Samuel 5:1-7:2)

These chapters describe the events that took place after the Philistines captured the ark of the covenant. These events underline the vindicating power of the Lord (greater than their god Dagon), the sovereign control of the Lord (seen in his special guidance of the ark home again) and the holy wrath of the Lord (revealed when two men peeped inside the ark). Such events point us to Jesus, the only one who can appease God’s wrath and who is the true God over all.

‘The (original) raiders of the Lord’s Ark’ (1 Samuel 4:1-22)

This chapter reveals how quickly the spiritual life people of Israel began a downward spiral so soon after the call of Samuel. Thinking that they would be guaranteed success in their battle with their enemies, the people of Israel only succeeded in surrendering the Ark of the Covenant to them. Worse yet, they treated something holy in a superstitious way and demeaned the glory of God by their actions. We do likewise if we do not guard well the truth of the gospel and allow man’s thoughts and ideas to lead us toward ungodly religion and superstition.

‘O give me Samuel’s ear …and heart …and mind’ (1 Samuel 3:1-21)

1 Samuel 3 contains three things that contribute to the overall picture it paints. The first is the need of the hour. The word of God was rare in those days. God’s judgement was upon the land because of their idolatry. Also. the chapter speaks of the call of the prophet Samuel one night when God spoke to him in audible tones. Samuel then had to declare the message of the Lord to Eli of the judgement upon his house. All this combines to remind us that Samuel’s heart was intent on hearing and being obedient to the Word of God.