An organist for nearly 70 years!

After two attempts at holding a service to mark the retirement of Mrs Jean Spicer as organist at Bendigo (St John’s) Presbyterian Church (with both of these attempts postponed due to last minute lockdowns), finally it has happened!

On Sunday December 12, 2021 the congregation met to give thanks and praise to our God for almost 70 years of faithful and appreciated service over the years accompanying the praise of God at regular Sunday worship, weddings, funerals, Sunday School anniversaries and other events for both congregation and choir.

The service featured Jean’s three favourite hymns, ‘Immortal invisible’, ‘To God be the glory’ and ‘The day Thou gavest’, speeches of thanks to Jean, the presentation of a special certificate made by Elder Andrew Kerr on behalf of Session, and a gift of flowers presented by Mrs Averil Harris, Secretary of the Board. Rev Philip Burns preached the sermon on Luke 19:11-27, titled, ‘God’s people have got talent! (or, ‘a call to multiply your minas’) and a shared covid-friendly lunch was held in the hall afterward as part of the celebrations.

Jean commenced her long stint as organist for St John’s after the retirement of the previous organist, sometime after June 1953, aged 16 years of age, having been thrust into the job at the suggestion of her father. During the years of her service, Jean has not only seen seven Ministers come and go (the 8th is still there), but also a number of different organs, the St John’s congregation go into Union and then re-form again, buying back its previous building. One of the highlights of Jean’s time was playing for the re-opening service at St John’s in the afternoon of October 15, 1985 with about 450 people attending in the church and by video into the hall. She did have a break from the organ during the time of the birth of each of her four children and ‘retired’ on other occasions, but continued to keep playing as required. But this time, retirement is official, and Jean’s husband Ted, will finally be able to have her sit next to him during services at St John’s where they have been members for these many years.

The Church family at Bendigo gives great thanks to God for the blessings received through Jean’s faithful service and were glad to honour her faithful contribution to the worship of His great Name.

Thank you Jean!

Update on masks and limits…

Following yesterday’s announcements made by the Vic Government, Session has approved the following changes;

  • At the 10:30am service (double vaccination status required for those 12 years and over, unless a vaild medical exemption is held), masks will no longer need to be worn.  However, you are free to keep your mask on if you are more comfortable with that option. There is now no cap on the numbers attending this service!! QR code/sign in still required.
  • At the 4pm service (no vaccination status required), the cap has increased to 50 persons, and masks will still need to be worn. QR code/sign in still required.

Morning/afternoon teas will follow both services.

Arrangements from October 31

Apart from our regular podcast at 9am on 105.1 Life FM as from Sunday October 31 there will be two regular Sunday services at 10.30am and at 4pm.  This will enable us to have the greatest number of people possible meeting together (and allow room for visitors), which will be an extra joy and blessing.

The 10:30am service will be open to people 16 years and over who have double vaccination status or those who hold a valid medical exemption and children under 16 regardless of vaccination status. This will allow us to increase our attendance cap to 60 (plus those required to run the service) according to DQ4 restrictions. Proof of vaccination status or exemption will be required to be sighted. This will apply to all – including friends, family and visitors who would like to attend the 10.30am service.  Visitors are encouraged to book ahead. The prayer meeting will be held from 10am and a cuppa with pre-packaged individual serves will follow, concluding around 12.30pm.

The 4pm service will be open to all adults and children – those of undeclared vaccination status (those who have not been vaccinated, those who have had a single vaccine and those who are double vaccinated or hold a medical exemption.) You will not be asked to disclose your vaccination status to attend this serviceThe cap at this service will be 30 (plus those required to run the service). There will be a prayer meeting from 3:30pm and a cuppa with individual pre-packaged snacks will follow.

Just some more reminders…

  • Masks (unless you have a medical exemption), QR code/record of attendance, social distancing and hand sanitising will still be required at both service
  • We would urge and encourage you all to bear with these changes with patience and with ongoing grace, love and care towards those who may not share your viewpoint about the virus or the vaccine or these restrictions or these changes. Although divided into two services, the opportunity is before us to treat each other in a way that will mean we remain united around the eternal truths of the gospel of Christ that bring us together under our Heavenly Father’s care. We still look forward to and anticipate the day when we will all be able to gather together in a larger number under the one roof at the same time. Please pray with us for that day “and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25)
  • If you are unwell or need to quarantine or isolate, please stay at home and join us via the podcast on the radio or listen via the website – and let us know so that we can be praying for you and help as needed. Thank you. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please talk to us.

We are open each Sunday, but…(read on!)

Restrictions have lifted enough in regional Victoria to allow us to have 20 at our morning worship each Sunday at 10:30am until further notice. But to attend, you’ll need to reserve a place by contacting us. There will be other opportunties during the afternoon to ‘catch up’ with one another in the hall for fellowship, prayer and devotions, but again you’ll need to reserve a place to attend one of these.

With these small steps in place, we are looking forward to the day that we can all get back together in the one place, if not here, then one day in the full presence and glory of our Saviour!

‘Open’ on Sunday September 12 with limited numbers…

Restrictions have lifted enough in regional Victoria to allow us to have 20 at our morning worship on Sunday September 12. To attend, you’ll need to reserve a place by contacting us. There will be other opportunties during the afternoon to ‘catch up’ with one another in the hall for fellowship, prayer and devotions. Again, you’ll need to reserve a place to attend one of these.

With these small steps in place, we are looking forward to other restrictions lifting so that we can all get back together in the one place, if not here, then one day in the full presence and glory of our Saviour!

‘Off again’ from Sunday August 22

Well this peak in the rollercoaster ride that COVID brings, means that regional Victoria has joined Melbourne’s lockdown today and that means that we are not meeting tomorrow at 10:30am. Join us instead at 9am on Life 105.1 FM (or via the right hand side of this page) for the continuation of our series on ‘The life and ministry of Elisha the prophet’ as we consider 2 Kings 4:38-44. Our Zoom morning tea and prayer meeting will follow at 10am.