‘Standing firm in a slippery world’ (2 Peter 1:1-4)

The text of 2 Peter 1:1-4 gives us a wonderful insight into the life of the church of the first century when the apostles were alive. False teachers were the order of the day and God’s people needed to know what was right and what was wrong. In these first 4 verses, Peter makes it clear that God’s Word can be trusted and that moving away from the solid foundation of the grace of God is a dangerous thing to do.

Home Groups launch dinner, Wednesday Feb 6th, 6pm

To launch our Home Groups for the year, we’re getting together for our annual ‘Home Group Launch dinner’ on Wednesday night in the Hall. The dinner is open to all from the church family, but especially those who would like to be involved in a Home Group during 2019. (If you can’t make the dinner but would like to be involved in a Home Group, please let us know!’)