‘The day the Psalm writer had his sight restored’ (Psalm 73:1-28)

While the majority of people have physical sight, there’s a high percentage who are blind in another sense. In Psalm 73:1-28, the writer, Asaph, confesses to this. When his eyes were on the wicked and their prosperity and the ease of their lives, he began to lose faith in God. and doubt whether serving Him was worth it at all. In other words, he baceme blind to the things of God as envy took hold of his sight and he began to slip. But something happened that changed this downward progression. It happened when he entered the sanctuary of God and his persepctive on what really matters in life was restored. We all need the reminder to keep on ‘looking to Jesus’. For when all is said and done, all He’s the only One worth looking to.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Marvellous Grace
00:16 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
05:32 Bible reading: Psalm 73:1-14
Song: All My Days
06:57 Kids’ Talk
Song: Only A Holy God
09:52 Bible reading: Psalm 73:15-28
Song: Jesus Paid It All
11:44 Sermon: Psalm 73
Song: When I Survey
33:47 Closing

‘On again’ Sunday June 6th

After a week off, we’re back at church on this coming Sunday June 6, but with masks on (unless you have a medical exemption) and with only 50 people allowed to attend. Philip will be preaching on Psalm 73.

With this in mind, you are strongly encouraged to contact us to book a place for the 10:30am service, where we will be sharing the Lord’s Supper.

We understand that not everyone will be comfortable coming to a meeting of 50 people and we are therefore offering an afternoon service (at a time to be set) where we will share the Lord’s Supper again. If you would like to register interest in attending this service, please also follow the above ‘contact us’ link

And if you can’t be there, catch us on Life 105.1FM at 9:30am or listen on our website!

‘The day the stressed king prayed to the King’ (Psalm 86:1-17)

It’s not unusual these days for anyone to struggle with stress. We all have to manage it in some form. In his role as King over all Israel, David knew stress too, and this Psalm 86:1-17, we find him dealing with it through prayer to the One who could help him. In fact in the Psalm we find these elements present – sometimes David speaks to himself about God. Sometimes David speaks to God about God and sometimes David speaks to God about himself. All three are present in the psalm and all three are valid forms of prayer, and helpful with dealing with the many stresses of life.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: And Can It Be
00:18 Introduction
00:38 Prayer
Song: 10,000 Reasons
03:37 Bible reading: Psalm 86
Song: Behold Our God
06:02 Kids’ Talk
09:37 Bible reading: Matthew 14:22-33
Song: Jerusalem
10:57 Sermon: Psalm 86
Song: What A Friend
34:47 Closing

Podcast only this Sunday May 30

With the lockdown just announced by the Victorian State Government from midnight tonight for 7 days, we’ll not be able to meet on Sunday May 30 (this may extend beyond next week – depending on restrictions) This means that our celebrations for Jean’s Spicer’s retirement will be put on hold until we are free to meet together again. Please be much in prayer for this whole situation… especially the stopping of this most recent outbreak…

However, we will be on the radio, Life 105.1 FM at 9:30am. Philip will be preaching on Psalm 86. This will be followed by our Zoom morning tea (10:30am) and prayer meeting (11am). If you would like to join with us for these, please contact us.

Return visit of Rhys & Rhondda Hall

Rhys and Rhondda are no strangers to us at St John’s. They are ‘veteran’ missionaries in Uganda with Pioneers and APWM and we are looking forward to their visit to us on Wednesday June 9th. Rhondda will be speaking at an afternoon meeting in our hall at 1:30pm, and then both Rhys and Rhondda will be speaking at the same venue at 7:30pm.

Come and hear the latest! There will be an offering for their support at both meetings.

Contact us for further details.

‘Meet the final encouragements given to the church at Corinth’ (1 Corinthians 16:1-24)

In the final chapter of this letter of Paul to the church at Corinth, as recorded in 1 Corinthians 16:1-24, the Apostle comes down from the high point of the resurrection of Jesus and the hope that that brings to His people, to speak of more down to earth, day-to-day matters – especially relating to the Corinthians’ financial stewardship, some travel plans he could share with them, some news regarding fellow workers they knew and final prayers and blessings up this often wayward church. These matters may not be weighty theologically, but they do matter on a practical basis and they remind us of what kind of church we ought to be – living out the gospel in the world in which God has called us.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Come People Of The Risen King
00:16 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
06:12 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 16:1-11
Song: Christ is Mine
07:33 Devotional
Song: He Will Hold Me Fast
09:07 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 16:12-24
10:43 Sermon: 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Song: Jesus Master Whom I Serve
33:56 Closing

‘Meet the solution to the chaos at the church in Corinth’ (1 Corinthians 14:1-40)

There’s something to be said about a church than runs smoothly and orderly. As a Presbyterian church, we usually don’t know any other way. The worship is ordered and everything is in its place. That’s certainly not how Paul would have described the very un-Presbyterian Church in Corinth! Instead of order there was chaos. Choas when it came to the use of tongues. Chaos when it came to the use of prophecy. Chaos when people were interrupting! Rather than ordered it was disordered. In 1 Corinthians 14:1-40, the Apostle Paul had quite a bit to say about these things and we learn from them and seek to do them today.

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: Only a Holy God
00:15 Introduction
00:36 Prayer
07:04 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 14:1-19
Song: Jesus Thank You
10:13 Devotional
Song: This Live I Live
12:01 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 14:20-40
15:38 Sermon: 1 Corinthians 14:1-40
Song: Search Me O God
45:40 Closing

‘Meet the resurrection teaching shared with the church at Corinth’ (1 Corinthians 15:35-58)

When it comes to ‘life after death’ there are a whole lot of questions and lots of different ideas. The Corinthians too had questions about what happens to our bodies after death, and these questions were the subject of Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, where Paul likened what happens to our bodies when they die to the whole process of pplanting seeds – what you get is not what you put in the ground! This portion of text gives rise to the Christian’s understanding about the resurrection bodies that God will give to His people. To last the distance of eternity, they need to be and must be of a different kind to what we have now! This hope ought to encourage and inspire us to get busy with God’s work and put the fear of death away – as it one day will be – forever!

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: O Worship The King
00:19 Introduction
00:43 Prayer
02:04 Bible reading: Psalm 16
Song: Nothing Can I Boast In
03:17 Devotional
Song: The Power Of The Cross
03:45 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58
07:08 Sermon: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Song: In Christ Alone
31:40 Closing

Welcome Wednesdays up and running again!

‘Welcome Wednesdays’ (or as some call it ‘Wacky’ Wednesdays) is up and running once more.

We meet in the Upper Room (just the meeting room off the Hall) from 10am-1pm for a cuppa, conversation, craft (bring your own), laughter and friendship.

You are most welcome to drop in and say ‘hi’ – even stay for the whole morning – and make it a regular event! We look forward to seeing you there!

‘Meet the resurrection hope offered to the church at Corinth’ (1 Corinthians 15:12-34)

Sometimes that ‘what if?” question of thought just passes through your mind. “What if I’d married someone else?” “What if I’d been born in another country?” So many options to think on like these! In 1 Corinthians 15;12-34, Paul asks the question ‘What if Christ was not raised?” and comes up with some devastating answers. The resurrection of Jesus is so crucial to the Scriptures that without it, everything else falls. Paul even says that we may as well live the the rest of the world and adopt their philosophy ‘eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!’. But he doesn’t leave it there. One of the great ‘buts’ of the Bible puts things into their proper perspective!

Full service

00:00 Welcome
Song: All Creatures of Our God and King
00:16 Introduction
00:38 Prayer
05:14 Bible reading: Revelation 1:4-18
Song: Before the Throne of God Above
08:00 Devotional
Song: By Faith
10:00 Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12-34
13:02 Sermon: 1 Corinthians 15:12-34
Song: See Him Coming
35:20 Closing