‘Meeting Jesus’ (John 4:1-42)

Guest speaker Len preaches from John 4:1-42. Jesus has an appointment to pass through Samaria, but the woman he meets needs that meeting. This passage about the Woman of Samaria is all about Jesus and his character – he did not see people as others did. How do we see people? Do we offer hope? Jesus asks the women for a drink from the well but offers her living water (compare with John 7). This living water is his Holy Spirit, that Jesus’ saving work at the cross might be applied to our lives. As the passage goes on, we learn more about who Jesus is. The woman – of low standing and bad reputation – realises that Jesus is the Christ, she has received forgiveness and forgets her task at the well to tell the whole town. Be sure that you have met Jesus. Like Jesus, be no respecter of persons (looking up or down on anyone). Drink deeply of that living water that you cannot help but speak of it!

‘Grazing on the Gospel with gratitude’ (Psalm 100)

In Psalm 100, we have an invitation to come into God’s presence and serve him with gladness. We do this because of his good character and his care for us, his people, in so many ways. The returned exiles might not have always felt that joy in worship and we might struggle at times too. They were looking forward and we look back on God’s greatest expression of his steadfast love – sending the Good Shepherd, Jesus. We reflect on God’s Word to “Know the Lord” and be reminded of his goodness, which shapes our lives of service.

‘The Gospel is next to godliness’ (Titus 1:1-4)

The greeting in Titus 1:1-4, at the start of Paul’s letter,  is a preview and an overview: the truth about Jesus accords with godliness. For the Christian, belief in Jesus ought to be reflected in our behaviour as we seek to be more like him. But our good works don’t save us – Jesus is the saviour. At Christmas, we celebrate God’s grace shown to us and have the privilege of reflecting that grace to others.

‘The Joy of Jesus Christ, this Christmas’ (Matthew 2:1-12)

On Christmas Day, Rev Russ Grinter asked, “Who do you worship?” Who or what is worthy to give yourself to? We all worship but worshipping people, stuff or self leaves us incomplete. In Matthew 2:1-12 we read about the Wise Guys who came to worship Jesus, the Wrong Guys who didn’t and see that Wise Guys today worship and have the joy of Jesus.

‘The desire of Hannah’s heart’ (1 Samuel 1:1-28)

In 1 Samuel 1 the text highlights the desperate circumstances of Hannah as well as her utter dependence upon God and also her costly love which led her to fulfill a vow to the Lord that her son Samuel should be given over to the Lord’s service for all his days. Without knowing the full extent of what this would mean, Hannah’s willing submission to the Lord’s will for her brought much blessing and provides a model for a response to the grace of God in keeping with our call to follow and serve Him.