SPUR Conference Sat Sept 21st


The Session of St John’s and ‘Reforming’ (SE Bendigo) are pleased to announce the arrival of our first ever Ministry Conference – for the purpose of encouraging God’s people to pursue the idea that ministry is for all of us!

In the postcard above you’ll find the details about the when and where of ‘SPUR’ – our first attempt at running something like this – and may it not be the last!

The keynote speaker for the morning will be Pete Orr from Melbourne School of Theology. Other speakers will include Rev. Philip Burns (Pastoral ministry), Steve Blyth (Work) and Russ Grinter (Church planting)

SPUR Conference is open to all! We would love to see you there!

‘At the table with a man who was dead and a man who soon would be’ (John 11:45-12:11)

Following the raising of Lazarus, a dinner was held at his home at which Jesus was present. The dinner would have been interesting to be at – for there was a man who had been dead sitting next to a mean who would soon be dead. At this dinner, Lazarus’ sister Mary showed her gratitude to Jesus by an extravagant gift of perfume upon his feet, while Judas was revealed to be far more interested in the money he could have got from the perfume. Meanwhile the Jewish authorities continued to reject Jesus’ claims to be the Son of God and so determined to put Jesus and Lazarus to death – in order to get rid of the evidence that would support this claim.

Quarterly Half Day of Prayer: August 31st

clock_2pmhandsredAs part of our regular commitment to prayer as a congregation, we’ll gather together on Saturday August 31st from 2pm (’til about 4:30 or 5pm) to spend time in prayer. You’re welcome to join us in the church foyer as we meet to pray for revival, national and world needs, missions and missionaries as well as local needs (our own church family and ministries).

‘The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is pray. It is not the only thing; but it is the chief thing. The great people of earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer, nor those who say they believe in prayer; nor yet those who can explain about prayer; but I mean those people who take time to pray.’ (S.D. Gordon)


‘In the face of death’ (John 11:1-44)

In John 11, when his friend Lazarus falls ill, it seems strange that Jesus does not go to heal him immediately. Jesus is confident in his father and knows the glory will go to him. For us, we see that in the face of death, though God might feel distant (1-16), Jesus draws near to us (17-37) and conquers death (38-44). So even as we face death now, we can grieve with hope in Christ.

‘Comfort and affliction in the fullest measure’ (John 10:19-42)

After claiming to be the ‘Good Shepherd’ who loves and dies for His sheep, Jesus went on to speak about the eternal security of His sheep. Because He is God and by His death saves His sheep completely, he can say that none of His sheep will be lost. Such truths are of great comfort to the believer, but also should cause discomfort to those who do not believe. If there is no salvation outside of Jesus, then no man or woman can have any hope of eternal security without belonging to Him.

Motor Isaac Yat, missionary to South Sudan

APWM Missionary, Motor Isaac Yat will speak of his call to and subsequent ministry in South Sudan during our morning service on Sunday August 25th. Motor will also share during our 4th Sunday lunch and than again at ‘Reforming’s’ 5pm service. There will be opportunities to give towards Motor’s financial support during these events.

‘The True and Good Shepherd of the sheep” (John 10:1-18)

After healing the man born blind in chapter 9, the conversation that Jesus had with the Pharisees centred upon the imagery of shepherds and sheep. The Pharisees’ actions in throwing out the man proved that they were not shepherds of God’s people. Jesus, however, claimed to be the one who truly loves the sheep by laying down his life for them. There is only one Good Shepherd who saves all who come to Him in faith. There is no other way of entering into the Kingdom of God.